Love's In Need

Good morn or evening,friends
Here's your friendly announcer
I have serious news to pass on to every-body
What I'm about to say
Could mean the world's disaster
Could change your joy and laughter
To tears and pain
What I want the world to know is

Love's in need of love
for the Love today
Don't delay
Send yours in right away
hate's goin' round
Breaking many hearts
Stop it please
Before it's gone too far

The force of evil plans
To make you it's possession
And it will if we let it
Destroy ev-er-y-body
We all must take
Precautionary measures
If love and please you treasure
Then you'll hear me when I say

Oh that
Love's in need of love Loves in need
For the Love today
Don't delay, don't delay
Send yours in right away, right away
Hate's goin round
Breaking many hearts, breaking hearts
Stop it please, stop it please
Before it's gone too far, gone too far

Love's in need of love today, love's in need of love today
Don't delay, don't de-lay
Send yours in right away, right away
You know that hate's, hate's
Hate's goin' round, goin' round
Breaking many hearts, break-ing hearts
Stop, stop it please
Before it's gone too far, gone too far

Love's in need of love today, love's in need of love today
Don't delay, don't delay
Send yours in right away, right away
You know that hate's, hate's
Hate's goin' round, goin' round
Breaking - hate's tried to break my heart many times, breaking hearts
Don't, you've got to stop it please, stop it please
Before, before, before gone too far

Love's in need of love today, love's in need of love today
Don't delay, don't delay
Send yours in right away, right away
You know that hate's, hate's
Hate's goin' round, goin' round
Breaking - hate's tried to break my heart many times, breaking hearts
Don't, you've got to stop it please, stop it please
Before, before, before gone too far

Hate's, hate's, hate's goin' round
Bring it down a little, love is very peaceful
So bring it down a little
Well, stop it please
before its gone to far

No No No No No No No

Mirror lyrics:

No No No No No No No

before its gone to far
Well, stop it please
So bring it down a little
Bring it down a little, love is very peaceful
Hate's, hate's, hate's goin' round

Before, before, before gone too far
Don't, you've got to stop it please, stop it please
Breaking - hate's tried to break my heart many times, breaking hearts
Hate's goin' round, goin' round
You know that hate's, hate's
Send yours in right away, right away
Don't delay, don't delay
Love's in need of love today, love's in need of love today

Before, before, before gone too far
Don't, you've got to stop it please, stop it please
Breaking - hate's tried to break my heart many times, breaking hearts
Hate's goin' round, goin' round
You know that hate's, hate's
Send yours in right away, right away
Don't delay, don't delay
Love's in need of love today, love's in need of love today

Before it's gone too far, gone too far
Stop, stop it please
Breaking many hearts, break-ing hearts
Hate's goin' round, goin' round
You know that hate's, hate's
Send yours in right away, right away
Don't delay, don't de-lay
Love's in need of love today, love's in need of love today

Before it's gone too far, gone too far
Stop it please, stop it please
Breaking many hearts, breaking hearts
Hate's goin round
Send yours in right away, right away
Don't delay, don't delay
For the Love today
Love's in need of love Loves in need
Oh that

Then you'll hear me when I say
If love and please you treasure
Precautionary measures
We all must take
Destroy ev-er-y-body
And it will if we let it
To make you it's possession
The force of evil plans

Before it's gone too far
Stop it please
Breaking many hearts
hate's goin' round
Send yours in right away
Don't delay
for the Love today
Love's in need of love

What I want the world to know is
To tears and pain
Could change your joy and laughter
Could mean the world's disaster
What I'm about to say
I have serious news to pass on to every-body
Here's your friendly announcer
Good morn or evening,friends

Relevant Tags:
LLove's IIn NNeed ove's n eed oLve's nI eNed kove's jn meed kLove's jIn mNeed Lkove's Ijn Nmeed oove's 9n heed oLove's 9In hNeed
Loove's I9n Nheed pove's ln jeed pLove's lIn jNeed Lpove's Iln Njeed on beed Lve's oIn bNeed Lvoe's Ion Nbeed Lkve's kn Neeed
kIn Ned Lokve's Ikn Need L9ve's 8n Nsed L9ove's 8In Nseed Lo9ve's I8n Nesed L0ve's un N3ed L0ove's uIn N3eed Lo0ve's Iun Ne3ed
Llve's Inn Nfed Llove's I Nfeed Lolve's In Nefed Live's Im Nred Liove's Imn Nreed Loive's Inm Nered Lovve's Ih N4ed Loe's Ihn N4eed
Loev's Inh Ne4ed Lobe's Ij Nded Lobve's Ndeed Lovbe's Inj Neded Loce's Ib Nwed Locve's Ibn Nweed Lovce's Inb Newed Loge's
Logve's Lovge's Nede Lofe's Nesd Lofve's Lovfe's Neesd

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