Key To The Shade

So you say all the way in one hour
Won't seem so real
If you stay I can play for an hour
My mind'll reel
It won't be long, tell me I'm wrong
Come to my place I'll hide you
It's not too late don't tell me to wait
It's just my fate it attracts you
So you see it'll be a bit harder
There's no treat
Talk to me and I'll talk to the father
When we meet
If I stay will you push it away
A move but I'm not running
See I do what has happened to you
For me a second coming

It won't be long, tell me I'm wrong
Come to my place I'll hide you
It's not too late don't tell me to wait
It's just my fate it attracts you
Roads getting dusty from my home
I will trust me leave it alone
How I, Now I, I am away
You try, You buy
The key to the shade
It won't be long, tell me I'm wrong
Come to my place I'll hide you
It's not too late don't tell me to wait
It's just my fate it attracts you

Mirror lyrics:

It's just my fate it attracts you
It's not too late don't tell me to wait
Come to my place I'll hide you
It won't be long, tell me I'm wrong
The key to the shade
You try, You buy
How I, Now I, I am away
I will trust me leave it alone
Roads getting dusty from my home
It's just my fate it attracts you
It's not too late don't tell me to wait
Come to my place I'll hide you
It won't be long, tell me I'm wrong

For me a second coming
See I do what has happened to you
A move but I'm not running
If I stay will you push it away
When we meet
Talk to me and I'll talk to the father
There's no treat
So you see it'll be a bit harder
It's just my fate it attracts you
It's not too late don't tell me to wait
Come to my place I'll hide you
It won't be long, tell me I'm wrong
My mind'll reel
If you stay I can play for an hour
Won't seem so real
So you say all the way in one hour

Relevant Tags:
KKey TTo TThe SShade ey o he hade eKy oT hTe hSade ley fo fhe zhade lKey fTo fThe zShade Kley Tfo Tfhe Szhade oey 5o 5he whade
oKey 5To 5The wShade Koey T5o T5he Swhade mey ho hhe dhade mKey hTo hThe dShade Kmey Tho Thhe Sdhade jey yo yhe ehade jKey yTo yThe eShade
Kjey Tyo Tyhe Sehade iey 6o 6he xhade iKey 6To 6The xShade Kiey T6o T6he Sxhade Keey go ghe ahade Ky gTo gThe aShade Kye Tgo Tghe Sahade
Ksy ro rhe Shhade Ksey rTo rThe Sade Kesy Tro Trhe Sahde K3y Too Sjade K3ey T Te Sjhade Ke3y To Teh Shjade Kfy Tk Tje Suade
Kfey Tko Tjhe Suhade Kefy Tok Thje Shuade Kry T9 Tue Snade Krey T9o Tuhe Snhade Kery To9 Thue Shnade K4y T0 Tne Sbade K4ey T0o Tnhe Sbhade
Ke4y To0 Thne Shbade Kdy Tl Tbe Sgade Kdey Tlo Tbhe Sghade Kedy Tol Thbe Shgade Kwy Ti Tge Syade Kwey Tio Syhade Kewy Toi Thge Shyade
Keyy Tye Shaade Ke Shde Key Thye Shdae Keg Thee Shzde Kegy Th Shzade Keyg The Shazde Keh Ths Shqde

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