Blackie & The Rodeo Kings
Come On Train

Turn my back on no man's gun

Likewise with anyone

It's not so dangerous

It's not a smart thing to do

But if I had my choice

I'd take away his voice

and tell him I might be a clown

but I sure ain't no fool

Everyone seems to be waiting

for some deep thought or emotion

Someone to get the devotion

to what they do

But they don't understand

that when you find that man

He'll be doing it for himself

He ain't doing it for you

Come on train

Can't you see I'm waiting here

Come on train

Come on train

Can't you see I'm freezing here

Come on train

Three is one too many

and one is one too few

Two just makes me lonely

and I can't get along with you

Man standing by the highway

is lonesome as can be

Man standing by a boxcar

looks a lot like me

Come on train…

Fearless of flying

but I'm tired of climbing

and this time I've got to go

all the way

and if I don't make it

You can't say I faked it

or that it didn't matter

what'd I say

Come on train…

Mirror lyrics:

Come on train…

what'd I say

or that it didn't matter

You can't say I faked it

and if I don't make it

all the way

and this time I've got to go

but I'm tired of climbing

Fearless of flying

Come on train…

looks a lot like me

Man standing by a boxcar

is lonesome as can be

Man standing by the highway

and I can't get along with you

Two just makes me lonely

and one is one too few

Three is one too many

Come on train

Can't you see I'm freezing here

Come on train

Come on train

Can't you see I'm waiting here

Come on train

He ain't doing it for you

He'll be doing it for himself

that when you find that man

But they don't understand

to what they do

Someone to get the devotion

for some deep thought or emotion

Everyone seems to be waiting

but I sure ain't no fool

and tell him I might be a clown

I'd take away his voice

But if I had my choice

It's not a smart thing to do

It's not so dangerous

Likewise with anyone

Turn my back on no man's gun

Relevant Tags:
CCome OOn TTrain ome n rain oCme nO rTain fome kn frain fCome kOn fTrain Cfome Okn Tfrain xome 9n 5rain xCome 9On 5Train Cxome O9n T5rain
vome 0n hrain vCome 0On hTrain Cvome O0n Thrain dome ln yrain dCome lOn yTrain Cdome Oln Tyrain Coome in 6rain Cme iOn 6Train Cmoe Oin T6rain
Ckme Onn grain Ckome O gTrain Cokme On Tgrain C9me Om rrain C9ome Omn rTrain Co9me Onm Trrain C0me Oh C0ome Ohn Tain Co0me Onh Tarin
Clme Oj Tdain Clome Ojn Tdrain Colme Onj Trdain Cime Ob T4ain Ciome Obn T4rain Coime Onb Tr4ain Comme Tgain Coe Coem Trgain
Coje Ttain Cojme Ttrain Comje Trtain Coke T5ain Comke Tr5ain Cone Tfain Conme Comne Trfain Comee Teain
Com Terain Come Treain Coms Traain Comse Trin

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