Blue ã–yster Cult
Veteran Of The Psychic Wars

You see me now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars
I've been living on the edge so long
Where the winds of limbo roar
And I'm young enough to look at
And far too old to see
All the scars are on the inside
I'm not sure that there's anything left to me

Don't let these shakes go on
It's time we had a break from it
It's time we had some leave
We've been living in the flames
We've been eating up our brains
Oh please don't let these shakes go on

You ask me why I'm weary, why I can't speak to you
You blame me for my silence say It's time I changed and grew
But the war's still going on, dear, and there's no end that I know
And I can't say if we're ever...
I can't say if were ever gonna be free

Don't let these shakes go on
It's time we had a break from it
It's time we had some leave
We've been living in the flames
We've been eating out our brains
Oh please don't let these shakes go on

You see me now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars
My energy's spent at last
And my armor is destroyed
I have used up all my weapons and I'm helpless and bereaved
Wounds are all I'm made of
Did I hear you say that this is victory?

Don't let these shakes go on
It's time we had a break from it
Send me to the rear
Where the tides of madness swell
And been sliding into hell
Oh please don't let these shakes go on
Don't let these shakes go on
Don't let these shakes go on

Mirror lyrics:

Don't let these shakes go on
Don't let these shakes go on
Oh please don't let these shakes go on
And been sliding into hell
Where the tides of madness swell
Send me to the rear
It's time we had a break from it
Don't let these shakes go on

Did I hear you say that this is victory?
Wounds are all I'm made of
I have used up all my weapons and I'm helpless and bereaved
And my armor is destroyed
My energy's spent at last
You see me now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars

Oh please don't let these shakes go on
We've been eating out our brains
We've been living in the flames
It's time we had some leave
It's time we had a break from it
Don't let these shakes go on

I can't say if were ever gonna be free
And I can't say if we're ever...
But the war's still going on, dear, and there's no end that I know
You blame me for my silence say It's time I changed and grew
You ask me why I'm weary, why I can't speak to you

Oh please don't let these shakes go on
We've been eating up our brains
We've been living in the flames
It's time we had some leave
It's time we had a break from it
Don't let these shakes go on

I'm not sure that there's anything left to me
All the scars are on the inside
And far too old to see
And I'm young enough to look at
Where the winds of limbo roar
I've been living on the edge so long
You see me now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars

Relevant Tags:
VVeteran OOf TThe PPsychic WWars eteran f he sychic ars eVteran fO hTe sPychic aWrs beteran kf fhe 0sychic aars bVeteran kOf fThe 0Psychic aWars
Vbeteran Okf Tfhe P0sychic Waars ceteran 9f 5he lsychic 3ars cVeteran 9Of 5The lPsychic 3Wars Vceteran O9f T5he Plsychic W3ars geteran 0f hhe osychic dars
gVeteran 0Of hThe oPsychic dWars Vgeteran O0f Thhe Posychic Wdars feteran lf yhe Pssychic ears fVeteran lOf yThe Pychic eWars Vfeteran Olf Tyhe Pyschic Wears
Veeteran if 6he Pzychic sars Vteran iOf 6The Pzsychic sWars Vteeran Oif T6he Pszychic Wsars Vsteran Off ghe Pwychic 2ars Vseteran O gThe Pwsychic 2Wars
Vesteran Of Tghe Pswychic W2ars V3teran Oc rhe Pdychic qars V3eteran Ocf rThe Pdsychic qWars Ve3teran Ofc Trhe Psdychic Wqars Vfteran Or Peychic
Orf Te Pesychic Wrs Vefteran Ofr Teh Pseychic Wras Vrteran Og Tje Pxychic Wzrs Vreteran Ogf Tjhe Pxsychic Wzars Verteran Ofg Thje Psxychic Wazrs
V4teran Ot Tue Paychic Wqrs V4eteran Otf Tuhe Pasychic Ve4teran Oft Thue Psaychic Waqrs Vdteran Ov Tne Psyychic Wsrs Vdeteran Ovf Tnhe Pschic
Vedteran Ofv Thne Pscyhic Wasrs Vwteran Od Tbe Psgchic Wwrs Vweteran Odf Tbhe Psgychic Wwars Vewteran Ofd Thbe Psygchic Wawrs Vetteran Tge Pshchic Wxrs
Veeran Pshychic Wxars Veetran Thge Psyhchic Waxrs Veferan Tye Ps6chic Warrs Ps6ychic Was Vetferan Thye Psy6chic Wasr
Ve5eran Thee Psuchic Wads Ve5teran Th Psuychic Wadrs Vet5eran The Psyuchic Wards Veheran Ths Ps7chic Wa4s Vehteran Thse Ps7ychic Wa4rs
Vetheran Thes Psy7chic War4s Veyeran Th3 Psjchic Wags Veyteran Th3e Psjychic Wagrs Vetyeran The3 Psyjchic Wargs Ve6eran Thf Pstchic Wats
Ve6teran Thfe Pstychic Watrs Vet6eran Thef Psytchic Warts Vegeran Thr Psycchic Wa5s Vegteran Thre Psyhic Wa5rs Vetgeran Ther Psyhcic War5s
Vereran Th4 Psyfhic Wafs Th4e Psyfchic Wafrs Vetreran The4 Psycfhic Warfs Veteeran Thd Psyxhic Waes Vetran Thde Psyxchic Waers
Vetrean Thed Psycxhic Wares Vetsran Thw Psyvhic Warss

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