
You know what I need
You know what I want
Play this game with me
Play this game with me
You know what I did
You know what I want
Play this game with me
Play this game with me
Give me what I need
Give me what I want
Play, play this game with me
Play this game with me

I addicted to the things you give me
I want them every night
I love your body, I love your skin
I know what we do is right
Come and give me what I need
Come and give it to me now
You know you got me under control
But I like it somehow

Mirror lyrics:

But I like it somehow
You know you got me under control
Come and give it to me now
Come and give me what I need
I know what we do is right
I love your body, I love your skin
I want them every night
I addicted to the things you give me

Play this game with me
Play, play this game with me
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
Play this game with me
Play this game with me
You know what I want
You know what I did
Play this game with me
Play this game with me
You know what I want
You know what I need

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