Beth Nielsen Chapman
Wait For The Way

All my traveling time
Running circles around my dreams
Waking up to find
Our love's not what it seems

Now my soul keeps calling for a long lost day
And a love that I held so true
Well there's no use following the heartache
That leads me back to you, I'll

Wait for the way
Through the valley of my shadow of doubt
Through the winter of my discontent
And when it seems like all my hope is spent
There's only one prayer I pray...wait for the way

Each small step of my life
There's a loneliness I've known
I take the road that's right
Even if I'm left alone

But I know that heaven holds amazing grace
When you trust what you feel inside
And a true heart opens at it's own pace
And I must say goodbye, and


Now my soul keeps calling for a long lost day
And a love that I held so true
Though there's no use falling for the heartache
That leads me back to you, I'll


Mirror lyrics:


That leads me back to you, I'll
Though there's no use falling for the heartache
And a love that I held so true
Now my soul keeps calling for a long lost day


And I must say goodbye, and
And a true heart opens at it's own pace
When you trust what you feel inside
But I know that heaven holds amazing grace

Even if I'm left alone
I take the road that's right
There's a loneliness I've known
Each small step of my life

There's only one prayer I pray...wait for the way
And when it seems like all my hope is spent
Through the winter of my discontent
Through the valley of my shadow of doubt
Wait for the way

That leads me back to you, I'll
Well there's no use following the heartache
And a love that I held so true
Now my soul keeps calling for a long lost day

Our love's not what it seems
Waking up to find
Running circles around my dreams
All my traveling time

Relevant Tags:
WWait FFor TThe WWay ait or he ay aWit oFr hTe aWy aait cor fhe aay aWait cFor fThe aWay Waait Fcor Tfhe Waay 3ait ror 5he 3ay
3Wait rFor 5The 3Way W3ait Fror T5he W3ay dait gor hhe day dWait gFor hThe dWay Wdait Fgor Thhe Wday eait tor yhe eay eWait tFor yThe eWay
Weait Ftor Tyhe Weay sait vor 6he say sWait vFor 6The sWay Wsait Fvor T6he Wsay 2ait dor ghe 2ay 2Wait dFor gThe 2Way W2ait Fdor Tghe W2ay
qait Foor rhe qay qWait Fr rThe qWay Wqait Fro Trhe Wqay Fkr Wit Fkor Te Wy Wiat Fokr Teh Wya Wzit F9r Tje Wzy
Wzait F9or Tjhe Wzay Wazit Fo9r Thje Wazy Wqit F0r Tue Wqy F0or Tuhe Waqit Fo0r Thue Waqy Wsit Flr Tne Wsy Flor Tnhe
Wasit Folr Thne Wasy Wwit Fir Tbe Wwy Wwait Fior Tbhe Wway Wawit Foir Thbe Wawy Wxit Forr Tge Wxy Wxait Fo Wxay Waxit For Thge Waxy
Waiit Fod Tye Wayy Wat Fodr Wa

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