Beth Nielsen Chapman
No System For Love

Fingers press the keys for interface
The printer taps the words across the page
We have gotten men upon the moon
And babies from a spoon
In this high tech finely tuned computer age

But we've got no system
No system for love
We've got no system
No system for love

There's this vast land of resources
That won't apply to rules
We've got these prehistoric tools...
These hearts inside of us
But we've got no system for love

Satellites twist pictures home to Earth
And high-rise office files store paperwork
We've got the airwaves in control
And wires strung pole-to-pole
We've got a record of each soul from date of birth


There are temples and steeples
And billions of people
And so much potential
We haven't even touched
'Cause we've got no system
No system for love

Mirror lyrics:

No system for love
'Cause we've got no system
We haven't even touched
And so much potential
And billions of people
There are temples and steeples


We've got a record of each soul from date of birth
And wires strung pole-to-pole
We've got the airwaves in control
And high-rise office files store paperwork
Satellites twist pictures home to Earth

But we've got no system for love
These hearts inside of us
We've got these prehistoric tools...
That won't apply to rules
There's this vast land of resources

No system for love
We've got no system
No system for love
But we've got no system

In this high tech finely tuned computer age
And babies from a spoon
We have gotten men upon the moon
The printer taps the words across the page
Fingers press the keys for interface

Relevant Tags:
NNo SSystem FFor LLove o ystem or ove oN ySstem oFr oLve mo zystem cor kove mNo zSystem cFor kLove Nmo Szystem Fcor Lkove
ho wystem ror oove hNo wSystem rFor oLove Nho Swystem Fror Loove jo dystem gor pove jNo dSystem gFor pLove Njo Sdystem Fgor Lpove
bo eystem tor bNo eSystem tFor Lve Nbo Seystem Ftor Lvoe Noo xystem vor Lkve N xSystem vFor No Sxystem Fvor Lokve
Nk aystem dor L9ve Nko aSystem dFor L9ove Nok Saystem Fdor Lo9ve N9 Syystem Foor L0ve N9o Sstem Fr L0ove No9 Ssytem Fro Lo0ve
N0 Sgstem Fkr Llve N0o Sgystem Fkor Llove No0 Sygstem Fokr Lolve Nl Shstem F9r Live Nlo Shystem F9or Liove Nol Syhstem Fo9r Loive
Ni S6stem F0r Lovve Nio S6ystem F0or Loe Noi Sy6stem Fo0r Loev Sustem Flr Lobe Suystem Flor Lobve Syustem Folr Lovbe
S7stem Fir Loce S7ystem Fior Locve Sy7stem Foir Lovce Sjstem Forr Loge Sjystem Fo Logve Syjstem For Lovge
Ststem Fod Lofe Stystem Fodr Lofve Sytstem Ford Lovfe Sysstem Fo4 Lovee Sytem Fo4r Lov Sytsem For4 Love
Syztem Fog Lovs Syzstem Fogr Lovse Sysztem Forg Loves Sywtem Fot Lov3 Sywstem Fotr Lov3e Syswtem Fort Love3
Sydtem Fo5 Lovf Sydstem Fo5r Sysdtem For5 Lovef Syetem Fof Lovr Syestem Fofr Lovre Sysetem Forf Lover
Syxtem Foe Lov4 Syxstem Foer Lov4e

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