Easy As It Seems

It's morning out here
i'm lying in bed
i'm writing so my thoughts
are clear
to you my dear
it's morning here

been counting the days
life's rising like the waves
that one day will suddenly collapse
and fall into the traps
i hope will reform

Cos i've been lost
easy as it seems
two eyes have found
me tonight

Been singing all day
undone and unpaid
i've been drawing
the deal that got away

please help me my friend
i'm down yet again
please tell me all will be ok
if you just come along with me
and i will show you the way

cos i've been lost
easy as it seems
two eyes have found
me tonight

oh, your eyes are brown
but to me they're red
your eyes are brown
but to me they're red
oh your eyes are brown
but to me...

two eyes have found
two eyes have found
me tonight

i've been lost
easy as it seems
two eyes have found
me tonight

Mirror lyrics:

me tonight
two eyes have found
easy as it seems
i've been lost

me tonight
two eyes have found
two eyes have found

but to me...
oh your eyes are brown
but to me they're red
your eyes are brown
but to me they're red
oh, your eyes are brown

me tonight
two eyes have found
easy as it seems
cos i've been lost

and i will show you the way
if you just come along with me
please tell me all will be ok
i'm down yet again
please help me my friend

the deal that got away
i've been drawing
undone and unpaid
Been singing all day

me tonight
two eyes have found
easy as it seems
Cos i've been lost

i hope will reform
and fall into the traps
that one day will suddenly collapse
life's rising like the waves
been counting the days

it's morning here
to you my dear
are clear
i'm writing so my thoughts
i'm lying in bed
It's morning out here

Relevant Tags:
EEasy AAs IIt SSeems asy s t eems aEsy sA tI eSems sasy zs jt zeems sEasy zAs jIt zSeems Esasy Azs Ijt Szeems 3asy qs 9t weems
3Easy qAs 9It wSeems E3asy Aqs I9t Sweems fasy ss lt deems fEasy sAs lIt dSeems Efasy Ass Ilt Sdeems rasy ws ot eeems rEasy wAs oIt eSeems
Erasy Aws Iot Seeems 4asy xs kt xeems 4Easy xAs kIt xSeems E4asy Axs Ikt Sxeems dasy 8t aeems dEasy A 8It aSeems Edasy As I8t Saeems
wasy Az ut wEasy uIt Sems Ewasy Asz Iut Seems Eaasy Aw Itt Ssems Esy I Sseems Esay Asw It Sesems Ezsy Ad If S3ems
Ezasy Ads Ift S3eems Eazsy Asd Itf Se3ems Eqsy Ae I5 Sfems Eqasy Aes I5t Sfeems Eaqsy Ase It5 Sefems Essy Ax Ih Srems Iht Sreems
Eassy Asx Ith Serems Ewsy Aa Iy S4ems Aas Iyt S4eems Eawsy Asa Ity Se4ems Exsy I6 Sdems Exasy I6t Eaxsy It6 Sedems
Ig Swems Eay Igt Eays Itg Sewems

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