Beth Orton
A Place Aside

I do still sometimes put my hand across
And I feel as yours gets placed on top
We drive along these empty streets
Same old ones they've always been

I can still hear your heartbeat in the dark
We're still setting up the same old sparks
Pull me close and we lay still
Wrap my toes around your heel

And we're talking as I write this song
Unfolding as we go along
And I suppose we really do
I suppose it must be true
There will always be a place aside
For you...

I do still sometimes stare into your gaze
The way we'd stay for days and days
‘Skuze me but this seat is taken
They've been a while but I'm still waiting

And if I light these matches just to watch ‘em burn
And I forget to keep myself warm
And I forgot how to sing my song
Then I suppose I really do
I suppose it must be true
But there will always be a place aside
For you

Mirror lyrics:

For you
But there will always be a place aside
I suppose it must be true
Then I suppose I really do
And I forgot how to sing my song
And I forget to keep myself warm
And if I light these matches just to watch ‘em burn

They've been a while but I'm still waiting
‘Skuze me but this seat is taken
The way we'd stay for days and days
I do still sometimes stare into your gaze

For you...
There will always be a place aside
I suppose it must be true
And I suppose we really do
Unfolding as we go along
And we're talking as I write this song

Wrap my toes around your heel
Pull me close and we lay still
We're still setting up the same old sparks
I can still hear your heartbeat in the dark

Same old ones they've always been
We drive along these empty streets
And I feel as yours gets placed on top
I do still sometimes put my hand across

Relevant Tags:
AA PPlace AAside lace side A lPace sAide z 0lace zside zA 0Place zAside Az P0lace Azside q llace qside qA lPlace qAside Aq Pllace Aqside
s olace sside sA oPlace sAside As Polace Asside w wside wA Pace wAside Aw Palce Awside x Pkace xside xA Pklace xAside Ax Plkace Axside
Poace Aide Ploace Aisde Ppace Azide Pplace Plpace Aszide Plaace Awide Plce Plcae Aswide
Plzce Adide Plzace Adside Plazce Asdide Plqce Aeide Plqace Aeside Plaqce Aseide Plsce Axide Plsace Plasce Asxide
Plwce Aaide Plwace Aaside Plawce Asaide Plxce Asiide Plxace Asde Plaxce Asdie Placce Asjde Plae Asjide Plaec Asijde
Plafe As9de Plafce As9ide Placfe Asi9de Plaxe Aslde Aslide

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