Dark Triumph

primeval god finally returns
comes a sound of triumph
I hear his voice
a dawn of evil prayer
a raise of million hands
revelation of our dreams

I open my eyes
I'm into the tomb
feel a touch of cool
carry beneath the gates

...and now lucifer comes
rides on the wings of winds
opens the gates of ancient towns
leads us to eternal delight
among the thousand flames
from dark to black again

his eyes are dark and cold
like northern frost
and icy breath
is a wind for the faithful

bring me there
where daylight never exists
and people live on gloom
bring me there
where I will be free
from god's tyranny

Mirror lyrics:

from god's tyranny
where I will be free
bring me there
and people live on gloom
where daylight never exists
bring me there

is a wind for the faithful
and icy breath
like northern frost
his eyes are dark and cold

from dark to black again
among the thousand flames
leads us to eternal delight
opens the gates of ancient towns
rides on the wings of winds
...and now lucifer comes

carry beneath the gates
feel a touch of cool
I'm into the tomb
I open my eyes

revelation of our dreams
a raise of million hands
a dawn of evil prayer
I hear his voice
comes a sound of triumph
primeval god finally returns

Relevant Tags:
DDark TTriumph ark riumph aDrk rTiumph xark friumph xDark fTriumph Dxark Tfriumph eark 5riumph eDark 5Triumph Deark T5riumph
fark hriumph fDark hTriumph Dfark Thriumph rark yriumph rDark yTriumph Drark Tyriumph cark 6riumph cDark 6Triumph Dcark T6riumph
sark griumph sDark gTriumph Dsark Tgriumph Daark rriumph Drk rTriumph Drak Trriumph Dzrk Dzark Tiumph Dazrk Tirumph
Dqrk Tdiumph Dqark Tdriumph Daqrk Trdiumph Dsrk T4iumph T4riumph Dasrk Tr4iumph Dwrk Tgiumph Dwark Dawrk Trgiumph
Dxrk Ttiumph Ttriumph Daxrk Trtiumph Darrk T5iumph Dak Dakr Tr5iumph Dadk Tfiumph Dadrk Dardk Trfiumph
Da4k Teiumph Da4rk Teriumph Dar4k Treiumph Dagk Triiumph Dagrk Trumph Dargk Truimph Datk Trjumph Datrk Trjiumph Dartk Trijumph
Da5k Tr9umph Da5rk Tr9iumph Dar5k Tri9umph Dafk Trlumph Dafrk Trliumph Darfk Trilumph Daek Troumph Daerk Troiumph Darek Trioumph
Darkk Trkumph Dar Trkiumph

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