Bee Gees
I Could Not Love You More

Now that we're alone
No more hide and seek
You are the highest dream to me
And as you softly sleep
Then I can tell you what it means

Locked inmy arms like lovers lie
I will not let you slip away
Is this the summer of them all
Is it my night of nights
That you came to stay

Here you are onwer of my heart
Just the way that love should be
And there is sth I must say to you
If you promise to beleive
That it's you I'm living for
And I could not love you more

Seasons may come and seasons go
There are the truest words I know
Face to face ,eye to eye
This is the summer of our lives
1 love that cannot die

Here you are owner of my soul
Never let you say goodbye
And there is sth I must say to you
We leave the world out side
And you have come to me

At last we start open up your heart
Let my deepest love inside
I'm only doing what I have to do
If you promise to believe and I could not love you more

Here you are owner of my heart
Just the way that love should be
And there is sth I must say to you
We leave the world out side
And you have come to me

At last we start open up your heart
Let my deepest love inside
I'm only doing what I have to do
If you promise to believe
That it's you I'm living for
And I could not love you more

Mirror lyrics:

And I could not love you more
That it's you I'm living for
If you promise to believe
I'm only doing what I have to do
Let my deepest love inside
At last we start open up your heart

And you have come to me
We leave the world out side
And there is sth I must say to you
Just the way that love should be
Here you are owner of my heart

If you promise to believe and I could not love you more
I'm only doing what I have to do
Let my deepest love inside
At last we start open up your heart

And you have come to me
We leave the world out side
And there is sth I must say to you
Never let you say goodbye
Here you are owner of my soul

1 love that cannot die
This is the summer of our lives
Face to face ,eye to eye
There are the truest words I know
Seasons may come and seasons go

And I could not love you more
That it's you I'm living for
If you promise to beleive
And there is sth I must say to you
Just the way that love should be
Here you are onwer of my heart

That you came to stay
Is it my night of nights
Is this the summer of them all
I will not let you slip away
Locked inmy arms like lovers lie

Then I can tell you what it means
And as you softly sleep
You are the highest dream to me
No more hide and seek
Now that we're alone

Relevant Tags:
II CCould NNot LLove YYou MMore ould ot ove ou ore I oCuld oNt oLve oYu oMre j fould mot kove gou jore jI fCould mNot kLove gYou jMore
Ij Cfould Nmot Lkove Ygou Mjore 9 xould hot oove hou kore 9I xCould hNot oLove hYou kMore I9 Cxould Nhot Loove Yhou Mkore l vould jot pove 6ou nore
lI vCould jNot pLove 6You nMore Il Cvould Njot Lpove Y6ou Mnore o dould bot uou Moore oI dCould bNot Lve uYou Mre Io Cdould Nbot Lvoe Yuou Mroe
k Coould Noot Lkve 7ou Mkre kI Culd Nt 7You Ik Cuold Nto Lokve Y7ou Mokre 8 Ckuld Nkt L9ve jou M9re 8I Ckould Nkot L9ove jYou M9ore
I8 Cokuld Nokt Lo9ve Yjou Mo9re u C9uld N9t L0ve tou M0re uI C9ould N9ot L0ove tYou M0ore Iu Co9uld No9t Lo0ve Ytou Mo0re C0uld N0t Llve Yoou Mlre
C0ould N0ot Llove Yu Mlore Co0uld No0t Lolve Yuo Molre Cluld Nlt Live Yku Mire Clould Nlot Liove Ykou Miore Coluld Nolt Loive Yoku Moire
Ciuld Nit Lovve Y9u Morre Ciould Niot Loe Y9ou Moe Coiuld Noit Loev Yo9u Moer Couuld Nott Lobe Y0u Mode Cold No Lobve Y0ou Modre
Colud Not Lovbe Yo0u Morde Cohld Nof Loce Ylu Mo4e Cohuld Noft Locve Ylou Mo4re Couhld Notf Lovce Yolu Mor4e Co7ld No5 Loge Yiu Moge
Co7uld No5t Logve Yiou Mogre Cou7ld Not5 Lovge Yoiu Morge Cokld Noh Lofe Youu Mote Noht Lofve Yo Motre

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