Oxygen And Me

Wake up,
WeÂ're leaving,
The sparks have hit the ceiling,
Our world has fallen to the ground.
IÂ'll help you,
You need me,
Do my best to keep you breathing,
I can not make this on my own.

ItÂ's funny how you see it clearly,
As the light begins to, fade away.

We, weÂ've been lost for so damn long,
DonÂ't know how to sing along,
With society,
It was killing me,
Suffocating dreams.
Now you,
You need oxygen and me,
ItÂ's only now I see,
How lovely life has been,
How lucky we have been.

Hold on, donÂ't leave me,
IÂ'm so scared, youÂ're bleeding,
The walls are falling round us now.
YouÂ're shaking, not making,
Sense of all this complication,
I will not leave you on your own.

Please donÂ't leave me on my own,
Your heart is my only home.

Mirror lyrics:

Your heart is my only home.
Please donÂ't leave me on my own,

I will not leave you on your own.
Sense of all this complication,
YouÂ're shaking, not making,
The walls are falling round us now.
IÂ'm so scared, youÂ're bleeding,
Hold on, donÂ't leave me,

How lucky we have been.
How lovely life has been,
ItÂ's only now I see,
You need oxygen and me,
Now you,
Suffocating dreams.
It was killing me,
With society,
DonÂ't know how to sing along,
We, weÂ've been lost for so damn long,

As the light begins to, fade away.
ItÂ's funny how you see it clearly,

I can not make this on my own.
Do my best to keep you breathing,
You need me,
IÂ'll help you,
Our world has fallen to the ground.
The sparks have hit the ceiling,
WeÂ're leaving,
Wake up,

Relevant Tags:
OOxygen AAnd MMe xygen nd e xOygen nAd eM kxygen znd je kOxygen zAnd jMe Okxygen Aznd Mje 9xygen qnd ke 9Oxygen qAnd kMe O9xygen Aqnd Mke
0xygen snd ne 0Oxygen sAnd nMe O0xygen Asnd Mne lxygen wnd Mee lOxygen wAnd M Olxygen Awnd Me ixygen xnd Ms iOxygen xAnd Mse Oixygen Axnd Mes
Oxxygen Annd M3 Oygen Ad M3e Oyxgen Adn Me3 Odygen Amd Mf Odxygen Amnd Mfe Oxdygen Anmd Mef Ozygen Ahd Mr Ozxygen Ahnd Mre Oxzygen Anhd Mer
Ocygen Ajd M4 Ocxygen Ajnd M4e Oxcygen Anjd Me4 Osygen Abd Md Osxygen Abnd Mde Oxsygen Anbd Med Oxyygen Andd Mw Oxgen An Mwe Oxgyen And Mew
Oxggen Anx Oxgygen Anxd Oxyggen Andx Oxhgen Ane Oxhygen Aned Oxyhgen Ande Ox6gen Anf Ox6ygen Anfd Oxy6gen Andf
Oxugen Anr Oxuygen Anrd Oxyugen Andr Ox7gen Anc Ox7ygen Ancd Oxy7gen Andc Oxjgen Ans Oxjygen Ansd Oxyjgen Ands
Oxtgen Oxtygen

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