Barclay James Harvest
Taking Some Time On

Let's come on and get together
Like the sky gets to the sea
Just taking some time on
Let's come on and make it better
Let's make everybody see
Just taking some time on
For those who feel inclined
To talk about the hideen feelings of their mind
Let's come on and get together
Let's come on and get together
Like the sky with the sea
Like the sky with the sea
Just taking some time on

Let's come on and tell the story
Of the way it used to be
Just taking some time on
Let's come on and sing a song now
Of the days when we were free
Just taking some time on
For those who feel inclined
To talk about the hideen feelings of their mind
Let's come on and get together
Let's come on and get together
Like the sky with the sea
Like the sky with the sea
Just taking some time on

Let's come on the feeling's right now
We want everyone to be
Just taking some time on
Let's come on and get together
Like the sky gets to the sea
Just taking some time on
For those who feel inclined
To talk about the hideen feelings of their mind
Let's come on and get together
Let's come on and get together
Like the sky with the sea
Like the sky with the sea
Just taking some time on

Mirror lyrics:

Just taking some time on
Like the sky with the sea
Like the sky with the sea
Let's come on and get together
Let's come on and get together
To talk about the hideen feelings of their mind
For those who feel inclined
Just taking some time on
Like the sky gets to the sea
Let's come on and get together
Just taking some time on
We want everyone to be
Let's come on the feeling's right now

Just taking some time on
Like the sky with the sea
Like the sky with the sea
Let's come on and get together
Let's come on and get together
To talk about the hideen feelings of their mind
For those who feel inclined
Just taking some time on
Of the days when we were free
Let's come on and sing a song now
Just taking some time on
Of the way it used to be
Let's come on and tell the story

Just taking some time on
Like the sky with the sea
Like the sky with the sea
Let's come on and get together
Let's come on and get together
To talk about the hideen feelings of their mind
For those who feel inclined
Just taking some time on
Let's make everybody see
Let's come on and make it better
Just taking some time on
Like the sky gets to the sea
Let's come on and get together

Relevant Tags:
TTaking SSome TTime OOn aking ome ime n aTking oSme iTme nO faking zome fime kn fTaking zSome fTime kOn Tfaking Szome Tfime Okn
5aking wome 5ime 9n 5Taking wSome 5Time 9On T5aking Swome T5ime O9n haking dome hime 0n hTaking dSome hTime 0On Thaking Sdome Thime O0n
yaking eome yime ln yTaking eSome yTime lOn Tyaking Seome Tyime Oln 6aking xome 6ime in 6Taking xSome 6Time iOn T6aking Sxome T6ime Oin
gaking aome gime Onn gTaking aSome gTime O Tgaking Saome Tgime On raking Soome rime Om rTaking Sme rTime Omn Traking Smoe Trime Onm
Taaking Skme Tiime Oh Tking Skome Tme Ohn Tkaing Sokme Tmie Onh Tzking S9me Tjme Oj Tzaking S9ome Tjime Ojn Tazking So9me Tijme Onj
Tqking S0me T9me Ob Tqaking S0ome T9ime Obn Taqking So0me Ti9me Onb Tsking Slme Tlme Tsaking Slome Tlime Tasking Solme Tilme
Twking Sime Tome Twaking Siome Toime Tawking Soime Tiome Txking Somme Tkme Txaking Soe Tkime Taxking Soem Tikme
Takking Soje T8me Taing Sojme T8ime Taikng Somje Ti8me Taling Soke Tume Talking Tuime Takling Somke Tiume
Taoing Sone Timme Taoking Sonme Tie Takoing Somne Tiem Taming Somee Tije Tamking Som Takming Some Timje
Tajing Soms Tike Tajking Somse

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