Barclay James Harvest
Early Morning

It's cold and the sun is white
For I was born in
The darkness before the light

Of a new day
A new way of living
Of giving delight
And if you pay
Then you may be slipping
Back into the night

Then all knowing
With words and with pen I write
Of the growing
Of things that are in my sight

Early evening
It's cold and the moon is bright
And I believe in
The darkness before the light
Of a new day

Mirror lyrics:

Of a new day
The darkness before the light
And I believe in
It's cold and the moon is bright
Early evening

Of things that are in my sight
Of the growing
With words and with pen I write
Then all knowing

Back into the night
Then you may be slipping
And if you pay
Of giving delight
A new way of living
Of a new day

The darkness before the light
For I was born in
It's cold and the sun is white

Relevant Tags:
EEarly MMorning arly orning aErly oMrning sarly jorning sEarly jMorning Esarly Mjorning 3arly korning 3Early kMorning E3arly Mkorning
farly norning fEarly nMorning Efarly Mnorning rarly Moorning rEarly Mrning Erarly Mroning 4arly Mkrning 4Early E4arly Mokrning
darly M9rning dEarly M9orning Edarly Mo9rning warly M0rning wEarly M0orning Ewarly Mo0rning Eaarly Mlrning Erly Mlorning Eraly Molrning
Ezrly Mirning Ezarly Miorning Eazrly Moirning Eqrly Morrning Eqarly Moning Eaqrly Monring Esrly Modning Modrning Easrly Mordning
Ewrly Mo4ning Mo4rning Eawrly Mor4ning Exrly Mogning Exarly Mogrning Eaxrly Morgning Earrly Motning Ealy Motrning Ealry Mortning
Eadly Mo5ning Eadrly Mo5rning Eardly Mor5ning Ea4ly Mofning Ea4rly Mofrning Ear4ly Morfning Eagly Moening Eagrly Moerning Eargly Morening
Eatly Mornning Eatrly Moring Eartly Morinng Ea5ly Morming Ea5rly Mormning Ear5ly Mornming Eafly Morhing Eafrly Morhning

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