Barclay James Harvest
A Tale Of Two Sixties

I'm hitting the road to heading nowhere
Got no place to go
I'm stuck inside my generation
Round and round I go
I'm sick of the sound of Rolling Thunder
Times they were a-changing
And rock 'n' roll died with Easy Rider
Tearing up my traces

David Bowie was Hunky Dory
Aladdin quite insane
Give me the sound of Arthur Lee with
Forever Changes, I'll remember
Andmoreagain, don't leave me ever
Buddy Holly say "Baby, please be mine"
All the time

I'm cutting out now before the New Wave
Takes my surf board flair
Remember the time when Zappa said
"Punk, where you going with that flower in your hair?"

There's so many who's whos Rolling Stones
Rod Stewarts and Small Faces
And Tommy's the king of the pinball flings
That chased my generation

David Bowie was Hunky Dory
Aladdin quite insane
Give me the sound of Arthur Lee with
Forever Changes, I'll remember
Andmoreagain, don't leave me ever
Buddy Holly say "Baby, please be mine"
All the time

Mirror lyrics:

All the time
Buddy Holly say "Baby, please be mine"
Andmoreagain, don't leave me ever
Forever Changes, I'll remember
Give me the sound of Arthur Lee with
Aladdin quite insane
David Bowie was Hunky Dory

That chased my generation
And Tommy's the king of the pinball flings
Rod Stewarts and Small Faces
There's so many who's whos Rolling Stones

"Punk, where you going with that flower in your hair?"
Remember the time when Zappa said
Takes my surf board flair
I'm cutting out now before the New Wave

All the time
Buddy Holly say "Baby, please be mine"
Andmoreagain, don't leave me ever
Forever Changes, I'll remember
Give me the sound of Arthur Lee with
Aladdin quite insane
David Bowie was Hunky Dory

Tearing up my traces
And rock 'n' roll died with Easy Rider
Times they were a-changing
I'm sick of the sound of Rolling Thunder
Round and round I go
I'm stuck inside my generation
Got no place to go
I'm hitting the road to heading nowhere

Relevant Tags:
AA TTale OOf TTwo SSixties ale f wo ixties A aTle fO wTo iSxties z fale kf fwo zixties zA fTale kOf fTwo zSixties Az Tfale Okf Tfwo Szixties
q 5ale 9f 5wo wixties qA 5Tale 9Of 5Two wSixties Aq T5ale O9f T5wo Swixties s hale 0f hwo dixties sA hTale 0Of hTwo dSixties As Thale O0f Thwo Sdixties
w yale lf ywo eixties wA yTale lOf yTwo eSixties Aw Tyale Olf Tywo Seixties x 6ale if 6wo xixties xA 6Tale iOf 6Two xSixties Ax T6ale Oif T6wo Sxixties
gale Off gwo aixties gTale O gTwo aSixties Tgale Of Tgwo Saixties rale Oc rwo Siixties rTale Ocf rTwo Sxties Trale Ofc Trwo Sxities
Taale Or Twwo Sjxties Tle Orf To Sjixties Tlae Ofr Tow Sijxties Tzle Og Tao S9xties Tzale Ogf Tawo S9ixties Tazle Ofg Twao Si9xties
Tqle Ot T3o Slxties Tqale Otf T3wo Slixties Taqle Oft Tw3o Silxties Tsle Ov Tdo Soxties Tsale Ovf Tdwo Soixties Tasle Ofv Twdo Sioxties
Twle Od Teo Skxties Twale Odf Tewo Skixties Tawle Ofd Tweo Sikxties Txle Tso S8xties Txale Tswo S8ixties Taxle Twso Si8xties
Talle T2o Suxties Tae T2wo Suixties Tael Tw2o Siuxties Take Tqo Sixxties Takle Tqwo Sities Talke Twqo Sitxies
Taoe Twoo Sidties Taole Tw Sidxties Taloe Two Sixdties Tape Twk Sizties Taple Twko Sizxties Talpe Twok Sixzties
Talee Tw9 Sicties Tal Tw9o Sicxties Tale Two9 Sixcties Tals Tw0 Sisties Talse Tw0o Sisxties Tales Two0 Sixsties
Tal3 Twl Sixtties Tal3e Twlo Sixies Tale3 Twol Sixites Talf Twi Sixfies Talfe Twio Sixfties Talef Twoi Sixtfies
Talr Six5ies Talre Six5ties Taler Sixt5ies Tal4 Sixhies Tal4e Sixhties Tale4 Sixthies
Tald Sixyies Talde Sixyties Taled Sixtyies

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