Barbra Streisand
Why Did I Choose You

Why did I choose you?
What did I see in you?
I saw the heart you hide so well
I saw a quiet man who had a gentle way
A way that caught me in its glowing spell
Why did I want you?
What could you offer me?
A love to last a lifetime through
And when I lost my heart so many years ago,
I lost it lovingly and willingly to you...
If I had to choose again,
I would still choose you...
And when I lost my heart so many years ago,
I lost it lovingly and willingly to you...
If I had to choose again,
I would still choose you...

Mirror lyrics:

I would still choose you...
If I had to choose again,
I lost it lovingly and willingly to you...
And when I lost my heart so many years ago,
I would still choose you...
If I had to choose again,
I lost it lovingly and willingly to you...
And when I lost my heart so many years ago,
A love to last a lifetime through
What could you offer me?
Why did I want you?
A way that caught me in its glowing spell
I saw a quiet man who had a gentle way
I saw the heart you hide so well
What did I see in you?
Why did I choose you?

Relevant Tags:
WWhy DDid II CChoose YYou hy id hoose ou hWy iDd I hCoose oYu ahy xid j fhoose gou aWhy xDid jI fChoose gYou Wahy Dxid Ij Cfhoose Ygou
3hy eid 9 xhoose hou 3Why eDid 9I xChoose hYou W3hy Deid I9 Cxhoose Yhou dhy fid l vhoose 6ou dWhy fDid lI vChoose 6You Wdhy Dfid Il Cvhoose Y6ou
ehy rid o dhoose uou eWhy rDid oI dChoose uYou Wehy Drid Io Cdhoose Yuou shy cid k Chhoose 7ou sWhy cDid kI Coose 7You Wshy Dcid Ik Cohose Y7ou
2hy sid 8 Cjoose jou 2Why sDid 8I Cjhoose jYou W2hy Dsid I8 Chjoose Yjou qhy Diid u Cuoose tou qWhy Dd uI Cuhoose tYou Wqhy Ddi Iu Chuoose Ytou
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Wby Dkd Chooose Ylu Wbhy Dkid Chose Ylou Whby Dikd Choose Yolu Wgy D8d Chkose Yiu Wghy D8id Chkoose Yiou Whgy Di8d Chokose Yoiu
Wyy Dud Ch9ose Youu Wyhy Duid Ch9oose Yo Whyy Diud Cho9ose You Didd Ch0ose Yoh Wh Di Ch0oose Yohu Why Did Cho0ose Youh
Whg Dix Chlose Yo7 Dixd Chloose Yo7u Whyg Didx Cholose You7 Whh Die Chiose Yok Died Chioose

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