Barbra Streisand
We Must Be Lovin' Right

Some folks got nothin' but troubles
So little joy in their lives.
But wherever we go
Happiness follows.
We must be lovin' right.
It might be the way I adore you.
Or the way that you hold me tight.
I don't know the reason
But I'm believin'
We must be lovin' right

All of our friends say
Love fades away with time.
But I know they're wrong
'Cause they've never known
A love like yours and mine.

So if the whole world goes crazy
Let everyone else fuss and fight.
When all's said and done
We'll be the lucky ones.
We must be lovin' right.

Some folks got nothin' but troubles.
Oh so little joy in their lives.
But wherever we go
Happiness follows.
We must be lovin' right.
We must be lovin' right.

Mirror lyrics:

We must be lovin' right.
We must be lovin' right.
Happiness follows.
But wherever we go
Oh so little joy in their lives.
Some folks got nothin' but troubles.

We must be lovin' right.
We'll be the lucky ones.
When all's said and done
Let everyone else fuss and fight.
So if the whole world goes crazy

A love like yours and mine.
'Cause they've never known
But I know they're wrong
Love fades away with time.
All of our friends say

We must be lovin' right
But I'm believin'
I don't know the reason
Or the way that you hold me tight.
It might be the way I adore you.
We must be lovin' right.
Happiness follows.
But wherever we go
So little joy in their lives.
Some folks got nothin' but troubles

Relevant Tags:
WWe MMust BBe LLovin' RRight e ust e ovin' ight eW uMst eB oLvin' iRght ae just ve kovin' dight aWe jMust vBe kLovin' dRight Wae Mjust Bve Lkovin' Rdight
3e kust ge oovin' 4ight 3We kMust gBe oLovin' 4Right W3e Mkust Bge Loovin' R4ight de nust ne povin' gight dWe nMust nBe pLovin' gRight Wde Mnust Bne Lpovin' Rgight
ee Muust he tight eWe Mst hBe Lvin' tRight Wee Msut Bhe Lvoin' Rtight se Mhst Bee Lkvin' 5ight sWe Mhust B 5Right Wse Muhst Be Lokvin' R5ight
2e M7st Bs L9vin' fight 2We M7ust Bse L9ovin' fRight W2e Mu7st Bes Lo9vin' Rfight qe Mkst B3 L0vin' eight qWe B3e L0ovin' eRight Wqe Mukst Be3 Lo0vin' Reight
Mist Bf Llvin' Riight W Miust Bfe Llovin' Rght We Muist Bef Lolvin' Rgiht Ws M8st Br Livin' Rjght M8ust Bre Liovin' Rjight Wes Mu8st Ber Loivin' Rijght
W3 Mjst B4 Lovvin' R9ght B4e Loin' R9ight We3 Mujst Be4 Loivn' Ri9ght Wf Myst Bd Lobin' Rlght Wfe Myust Bde Lobvin' Rlight Wef Muyst Bed Lovbin' Rilght
Wr Musst Bw Locin' Roght Wre Mut Bwe Locvin' Roight Wer Muts Bew Lovcin' Rioght W4 Muzt Login' Rkght W4e Muzst Logvin' Rkight We4 Muszt Lovgin' Rikght
Wd Muwt Lofin' R8ght Muwst Lofvin' R8ight Wed Muswt Lovfin' Ri8ght Ww Mudt Loviin' Rught Wwe Mudst Lovn' Ruight Wew Musdt Lovni' Riught
Muet Lovjn' Rigght Muest Lovjin' Riht Muset Lovijn' Rihgt Muxt Lov9n' Rihht Muxst Lov9in' Rihght Musxt Lovi9n' Righht

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