Belinda Carlisle
Goodbye Day

Oh, sincerely
I must tell you that I really
Love you dearly
But you are so obsessed with yourself
There's no room for me
You can't give me all the things I need
We've said all we can say
Except our last goodnight
To end this day
Don't try changing my mind
You won't find a way
Just say hello
To our goodbye day.
Your reflection
What you see without detection
I see clearly

All your perfect imperfections
Colors turn to gray
I know it's time for me
To go away
Just look behind you now
It won't be me who's standing there
Just say hello to our goodbye day
We've said all we can say
Except our last goodnight
To end this day
Don't try changing my mind
You won't find a way
Just say hello
To our goodbye day

Mirror lyrics:

To our goodbye day
Just say hello
You won't find a way
Don't try changing my mind
To end this day
Except our last goodnight
We've said all we can say
Just say hello to our goodbye day
It won't be me who's standing there
Just look behind you now
To go away
I know it's time for me
Colors turn to gray
All your perfect imperfections

I see clearly
What you see without detection
Your reflection
To our goodbye day.
Just say hello
You won't find a way
Don't try changing my mind
To end this day
Except our last goodnight
We've said all we can say
You can't give me all the things I need
There's no room for me
But you are so obsessed with yourself
Love you dearly
I must tell you that I really
Oh, sincerely

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye DDay oodbye ay oGodbye aDy hoodbye xay hGoodbye xDay Ghoodbye Dxay yoodbye eay yGoodbye eDay Gyoodbye Deay boodbye fay
bGoodbye fDay Gboodbye Dfay voodbye ray vGoodbye rDay Gvoodbye Dray foodbye cay fGoodbye cDay Gfoodbye Dcay toodbye say tGoodbye sDay
Gtoodbye Dsay Gooodbye Daay Godbye Dy Goodbye Dya Gkodbye Dzy Gkoodbye Dzay Gokodbye Dazy G9odbye Dqy G9oodbye Dqay Go9odbye Daqy
G0odbye Dsy G0oodbye Go0odbye Dasy Glodbye Dwy Gloodbye Dway Golodbye Dawy Giodbye Dxy Gioodbye Goiodbye Daxy Dayy
Da Godobye Day Gokdbye Dag Dagy Gookdbye Dayg Go9dbye Dah Dahy Goo9dbye Dayh Go0dbye Da6 Da6y
Goo0dbye Day6 Goldbye Dau Dauy Gooldbye Dayu Goidbye Da7 Da7y Gooidbye Day7 Gooddbye Daj Goobye Dajy Goobdye Dayj
Gooxbye Dat Gooxdbye Daty Goodxbye Dayt Gooebye Gooedbye Goodebye

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