Bel Canto
The Dinosaur Slipper Man

The dinosaur-slipper-man does the very best he can
To make a living out if what he does.
He´s selling dinosaur-slippers and dinosaur-ties.
Well, then it happened one night, the stars shone bright.
He knew exactly what he had to do.
And then nobody has seen him
Since he walked through that door and disappeared out in the blue.
Did he go now to see them again?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
If he won´t, will we know where he went?
Did he go now to see them again?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
If he won´t, do you know where he went?
The dinosaur-slipper-man has concealed his masterplan inside a Power PC CPU.
It has something to do with that he´s met someone else on a cyberspace rendez-vous.
And so it happened that night, the stars shone bright.
He knew exactly when to flee.
He must have said to his baby; stationary baby:
«You must cover up for me».
Did he go now to see them again?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
If he won´t, will we know where he went?
Did he go now to see them again?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
If he won´t, do you know where he went?

Mirror lyrics:

If he won´t, do you know where he went?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
Did he go now to see them again?
If he won´t, will we know where he went?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
Did he go now to see them again?
«You must cover up for me».
He must have said to his baby; stationary baby:
He knew exactly when to flee.
And so it happened that night, the stars shone bright.
It has something to do with that he´s met someone else on a cyberspace rendez-vous.
The dinosaur-slipper-man has concealed his masterplan inside a Power PC CPU.
If he won´t, do you know where he went?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
Did he go now to see them again?
If he won´t, will we know where he went?
Did he go now to be with them, and if he did, will he come back again?
Did he go now to see them again?
Since he walked through that door and disappeared out in the blue.
And then nobody has seen him
He knew exactly what he had to do.
Well, then it happened one night, the stars shone bright.
He´s selling dinosaur-slippers and dinosaur-ties.
To make a living out if what he does.
The dinosaur-slipper-man does the very best he can

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDinosaur SSlipper MMan he inosaur lipper an hTe iDnosaur lSipper aMn fhe xinosaur zlipper jan fThe xDinosaur zSlipper jMan Tfhe Dxinosaur Szlipper Mjan
5he einosaur wlipper kan 5The eDinosaur wSlipper kMan T5he Deinosaur Swlipper Mkan hhe finosaur dlipper nan hThe fDinosaur dSlipper nMan Thhe Dfinosaur Sdlipper Mnan
yhe rinosaur elipper Maan yThe rDinosaur eSlipper Mn Tyhe Drinosaur Selipper Mna 6he cinosaur xlipper Mzn 6The cDinosaur xSlipper Mzan T6he Dcinosaur Sxlipper Mazn
ghe sinosaur alipper Mqn gThe sDinosaur aSlipper Mqan Tghe Dsinosaur Salipper Maqn rhe Diinosaur Sllipper Msn rThe Dnosaur Sipper Msan Trhe Dniosaur Silpper Masn
Djnosaur Skipper Mwn Te Djinosaur Sklipper Mwan Teh Dijnosaur Slkipper Mawn Tje D9nosaur Soipper Mxn Tjhe D9inosaur Solipper Mxan Thje Di9nosaur Sloipper Maxn
Tue Dlnosaur Spipper Mann Tuhe Dlinosaur Splipper Ma Thue Dilnosaur Slpipper Man Tne Donosaur Sliipper Mam Tnhe Doinosaur Slpper Mamn Thne Dionosaur Slpiper Manm
Tbe Dknosaur Sljpper Mah Tbhe Dkinosaur Sljipper Mahn Thbe Diknosaur Slijpper Manh Tge D8nosaur Sl9pper Maj D8inosaur Sl9ipper Majn Thge Di8nosaur Sli9pper Manj
Tye Dunosaur Sllpper Mab Duinosaur Mabn Thye Diunosaur Slilpper Manb Thee Dinnosaur Slopper Th Diosaur The Dionsaur Sliopper
Ths Dimosaur Slkpper Thse Dimnosaur Thes Dinmosaur Slikpper Th3 Dihosaur Sl8pper Th3e Dihnosaur Sl8ipper The3 Dinhosaur Sli8pper
Thf Dijosaur Slupper Thfe Sluipper Thef Dinjosaur Sliupper Thr Dibosaur Slippper Thre Dibnosaur Sliper Ther Dinbosaur Slipper
Th4 Dinoosaur Sli0per Th4e Dinsaur Sli0pper The4 Dinsoaur Slip0per Thd Dinksaur Slilper Thde Dinkosaur Thed Dinoksaur Sliplper
Thw Din9saur Slioper Thwe Din9osaur Thew Dino9saur Slipoper Din0saur Din0osaur Dino0saur Slipepr
Dinlsaur Slip0er Dinlosaur Dinolsaur Slipp0er Dinisaur Slipler Diniosaur Dinoisaur Slippler
Dinossaur Slipoer Dinoaur

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