Bell Fable

a part of me will always be sitting quietly waiting for
your shadow to cast it's cool across my face.
my heart , my love, all back in place,
when you return me to grace

when you look into my eyes take my hand
hold me tight
and we'll stay quiet for a moment or two
until you say 'it was always you'
oh it must have been madness , madness , madness
oh what makes you think you belong anywhere else?

I will live and fill my days
but I'll be thinking of your ways
how nothing's happened tilI i've told you
nothing feels real.
and I don't know myself
and I don't know where you are
and I can only sleep when I picture you

as you look into my eyes ,take my hand,
hold me tight
and we'll stay quiet for a moment or two
until you say 'it was always you'
oh it must have been madness , madness , madness
oh what makes you think you belong anywhere else?

will this ever end?
oh will I ever be at peace again?
will I live to see, will you ever

look into my eyes ,take my hand,
hold me tight
and we'll stay quiet for a moment or two
until you say 'it was always you'
oh it must have been madness , madness, madness
oh what makes you think you belong anywhere else?

oh it must be madness, madness , madness
what makes you think you belong anywhere else?

Mirror lyrics:

what makes you think you belong anywhere else?
oh it must be madness, madness , madness

oh what makes you think you belong anywhere else?
oh it must have been madness , madness, madness
until you say 'it was always you'
and we'll stay quiet for a moment or two
hold me tight
look into my eyes ,take my hand,

will I live to see, will you ever
oh will I ever be at peace again?
will this ever end?

oh what makes you think you belong anywhere else?
oh it must have been madness , madness , madness
until you say 'it was always you'
and we'll stay quiet for a moment or two
hold me tight
as you look into my eyes ,take my hand,

and I can only sleep when I picture you
and I don't know where you are
and I don't know myself
nothing feels real.
how nothing's happened tilI i've told you
but I'll be thinking of your ways
I will live and fill my days

oh what makes you think you belong anywhere else?
oh it must have been madness , madness , madness
until you say 'it was always you'
and we'll stay quiet for a moment or two
hold me tight
when you look into my eyes take my hand

when you return me to grace
my heart , my love, all back in place,
your shadow to cast it's cool across my face.
a part of me will always be sitting quietly waiting for

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Msadness Masdness Mwdness Mwadness Mawdness Mxdness Mxadness Maxdness Maddness Maness Mandess
Maxness Madxness Maeness Maedness Madeness Mafness Mafdness Madfness Marness Mardness Madrness
Macness Macdness Madcness Masness Madsness Madnness Madess Madenss Madmess Madmness Madnmess
Madhess Madhness

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