Bell Book And Candle
You Are The One To Realize

You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize

And it's getting dangerous to see my love away
And it's getting dangerous to wait another day

You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize

And it's getting dangerous to me to hear you say
And it's getting dangerous to see go straight
And it's killing me enough to keep it all away
And it's killing me enough to live but not to stay

You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize

hi! get your heart now come and make me see
hi! long time running to believe in me

You are the one to realize
(repeat to fade)

Mirror lyrics:

(repeat to fade)
You are the one to realize

hi! long time running to believe in me
hi! get your heart now come and make me see

You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize

And it's killing me enough to live but not to stay
And it's killing me enough to keep it all away
And it's getting dangerous to see go straight
And it's getting dangerous to me to hear you say

You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize

And it's getting dangerous to wait another day
And it's getting dangerous to see my love away

You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize
You are the one to realize

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YYou AAre TThe OOne TTo RRealize ou re he ne o ealize oYu rAe hTe nOe oT eRalize gou zre fhe kne fo dealize gYou zAre fThe kOne fTo dRealize
Ygou Azre Tfhe Okne Tfo Rdealize hou qre 5he 9ne 5o 4ealize hYou qAre 5The 9One 5To 4Realize Yhou Aqre T5he O9ne T5o R4ealize 6ou sre hhe 0ne ho gealize
6You sAre hThe 0One hTo gRealize Y6ou Asre Thhe O0ne Tho Rgealize uou wre yhe lne yo tealize uYou wAre yThe lOne yTo tRealize Yuou Awre Tyhe Olne Tyo Rtealize
7ou xre 6he ine 6o 5ealize 7You xAre 6The iOne 6To 5Realize Y7ou Axre T6he Oine T6o R5ealize jou Arre ghe Onne go fealize jYou Ae gThe Oe gTo fRealize
Yjou Aer Tghe Oen Tgo Rfealize tou Ade rhe Ome ro eealize tYou Adre rThe Omne rTo eRealize Ytou Arde Trhe Onme Tro Reealize Yoou A4e Ohe Too
Yu A4re Te Ohne T Ralize Yuo Ar4e Teh Onhe To Raelize Yku Age Tje Oje Tk Rsalize Ykou Agre Tjhe Ojne Tko Rsealize Yoku Arge Thje Onje Tok Resalize
Y9u Ate Tue Obe T9 R3alize Y9ou Atre Tuhe Obne T9o R3ealize Yo9u Arte Thue Onbe To9 Re3alize Y0u A5e Tne Onee T0 Rfalize Y0ou A5re Tnhe On T0o
Yo0u Ar5e Thne One To0 Refalize Ylu Afe Tbe Ons Tl Rralize Ylou Afre Tbhe Onse Tlo Rrealize Yolu Arfe Thbe Ones Tol Reralize Yiu Aee Tge On3 Ti R4alize
Yiou Aere On3e Tio Yoiu Aree Thge One3 Toi Re4alize Youu Tye Onf Rdalize Yo Ar Onfe You Are Thye Onef Redalize
Yoh Ars Thee Onr Rwalize Yohu Arse Th Onre Rwealize Youh Ares The Oner Rewalize Yo7 Ar3 Ths On4 Reaalize Yo7u Ar3e Thse On4e Relize
You7 Are3 Thes One4 Relaize Yok Arf Th3 Ond Rezlize Th3e Onde Rezalize Youk Aref The3 Oned Reazlize Yoi Arr Thf Onw Reqlize
Thfe Onwe Reqalize Youi Arer Thef Onew Reaqlize Yo8 Ar4 Thr Reslize Yo8u Thre You8 Are4 Ther Reaslize
Yoj Ard Th4 Rewlize Yoju Th4e Youj Ared The4 Reawlize Yoy Arw Thd Rexlize

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