Beat Crusaders
Hit In The Usa

(Go! Go!)
(Hey!) I've never dreamed before
I'm gonna knock the door
Into the world of perfect free
(You ain't no lonely!)

You're gonna say I'm lying
I'm gonna get the chance
I thought a chance is far from me
(You ain't no lonely!)

I was made to hit in America! (x3)

You are the sun
You are the star
(To me, forever!) (x2)

I was made to hit in America! (x6)

Mirror lyrics:

I was made to hit in America! (x6)

(To me, forever!) (x2)
You are the star
You are the sun

I was made to hit in America! (x3)

(You ain't no lonely!)
I thought a chance is far from me
I'm gonna get the chance
You're gonna say I'm lying

(You ain't no lonely!)
Into the world of perfect free
I'm gonna knock the door
(Hey!) I've never dreamed before
(Go! Go!)

Relevant Tags:
HHit IIn TThe UUsa it n he sa iHt nI hTe sUa jit jn fhe hsa jHit jIn fThe hUsa Hjit Ijn Tfhe Uhsa uit 9n 5he 7sa uHit 9In 5The 7Usa
Huit I9n T5he U7sa nit ln hhe ksa nHit lIn hThe kUsa Hnit Iln Thhe Uksa bit on yhe isa bHit oIn yThe iUsa Hbit Ion Tyhe Uisa git kn 6he 8sa
gHit kIn 6The 8Usa Hgit Ikn T6he U8sa yit 8n ghe jsa yHit 8In gThe jUsa Hyit I8n Tghe Ujsa Hiit un rhe ysa Ht uIn rThe yUsa Hti Iun Trhe Uysa
Hjt Inn Ussa I Te Ua Hijt In Teh Uas H9t Im Tje Uza H9it Imn Tjhe Uzsa Hi9t Inm Thje Usza Hlt Ih Tue Uwa Hlit Ihn Tuhe Uwsa
Hilt Inh Thue Uswa Hot Ij Tne Uda

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