Bear Quartet
Sweet Beef

In the beginning there were rudimentary beings
Single-celled amoebas discovering oxygen
Lizards and monkeys racing through the green
Brains grew big but dumber because humanity

Stupid humans
Stupid humans

Lord of all that's sacred cleverest of fools
Made us come together in segregated schools
Man made all the deities, Satan and the sins
Hell on earth awaited all as soon as we laid of fires

Stupid humans
Stupid humans

Mirror lyrics:

Stupid humans
Stupid humans

Hell on earth awaited all as soon as we laid of fires
Man made all the deities, Satan and the sins
Made us come together in segregated schools
Lord of all that's sacred cleverest of fools

Stupid humans
Stupid humans

Brains grew big but dumber because humanity
Lizards and monkeys racing through the green
Single-celled amoebas discovering oxygen
In the beginning there were rudimentary beings

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Seeet Bdef Bdeef Sweeet Bedef Sseet Bwef Ssweet Bweef Swseet Bewef S2eet S2weet Sw2eet Befe Sqeet Besf Sqweet
Swqeet Beesf Be3f Swet Sweet Bee3f

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