Bear Quartet
I Am Your Sister

Always falling out of line

In view
Now it's just me and you

We will die enraged
Carved into a bench

The end will not be televised
It will be graphic

Mirror lyrics:

It will be graphic
The end will not be televised

Carved into a bench
We will die enraged

Now it's just me and you
In view

Always falling out of line

Relevant Tags:
II AAm YYour SSister m our ister I mA oYur iSster j zm gour zister jI zAm gYour zSister Ij Azm Ygour Szister 9 qm hour wister
9I qAm hYour wSister I9 Aqm Yhour Swister l sm 6our dister lI sAm 6Your dSister Il Asm Y6our Sdister o wm uour eister oI wAm uYour eSister
Io Awm Yuour Seister k xm 7our xister kI xAm 7Your xSister Ik Axm Y7our Sxister 8 Amm jour aister 8I A jYour aSister I8 Am Yjour Saister
u Aj tour Siister uI Ajm tYour Sster Iu Amj Ytour Ssiter Ak Yoour Sjster Akm Yur Sjister Amk Yuor Sijster An Ykur S9ster
Anm Ykour S9ister Amn Yokur Si9ster Y9ur Slster Y9our Slister Yo9ur Silster Y0ur Soster Y0our Soister
Yo0ur Sioster Ylur Skster Ylour Skister Yolur Sikster Yiur S8ster Yiour S8ister Yoiur Si8ster
Youur Suster Yor Suister Yoru Siuster Yohr Sisster Yohur Siter Youhr Sitser Yo7r Sizter
Yo7ur Sizster You7r Siszter Yokr Siwter Siwster Youkr Siswter Yoir Sidter Sidster
Youir Sisdter Yo8r Sieter Yo8ur Siester You8r Siseter Yojr Sixter Yojur Sixster Youjr Sisxter
Yoyr Siater Yoyur Siaster Youyr Sisater

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