Bay City Rollers
I Only Wanna Be With You

I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only know I never want to let you go
Cause you started something
Can't you see
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you

It doesn't matter where you go or what you do
I want to spend each moment of the day with you
Look what has happened with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be in love like this
It's crazy but it's true
I only want to be with you

You stopped, you smiled at me
And asked me if I cared to dance
I fell into your open arms
I didn't stand a chance

Now listen honey
I just want to be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together honey I don't care
Cause you started something
Can't you see
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
No matter what you do
I only want to be with you

You stopped, you smiled at me
And asked me if I cared to dance
I fell into your open arms
I didn't stand a chance

Now listen honey
I just want to be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together honey I don't care
Cause you started something
Can't you see
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
No matter what you do
I only want to be with you

No matter, no matter what you do
I only want to be with you

No matter, no matter what you do
I only want to be with you






Mirror lyrics:






I only want to be with you
No matter, no matter what you do

I only want to be with you
No matter, no matter what you do

I only want to be with you
No matter what you do
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
Can't you see
Cause you started something
As long as we're together honey I don't care
I just want to be beside you everywhere
Now listen honey

I didn't stand a chance
I fell into your open arms
And asked me if I cared to dance
You stopped, you smiled at me

I only want to be with you
No matter what you do
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
Can't you see
Cause you started something
As long as we're together honey I don't care
I just want to be beside you everywhere
Now listen honey

I didn't stand a chance
I fell into your open arms
And asked me if I cared to dance
You stopped, you smiled at me

I only want to be with you
It's crazy but it's true
I never knew that I could be in love like this
Look what has happened with just one kiss
I want to spend each moment of the day with you
It doesn't matter where you go or what you do

I only want to be with you
It happens to be true
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
Can't you see
Cause you started something
I only know I never want to let you go
I don't know what it is that makes me love you so

Relevant Tags:
II OOnly WWanna BBe WWith YYou nly anna e ith ou I nOly aWnna eB iWth oYu j knly aanna ve aith gou jI kOnly aWanna vBe aWith gYou Ij Oknly Waanna Bve Waith Ygou
9 9nly 3anna ge 3ith hou 9I 9Only 3Wanna gBe 3With hYou I9 O9nly W3anna Bge W3ith Yhou l 0nly danna ne dith 6ou lI 0Only dWanna nBe dWith 6You Il O0nly Wdanna Bne Wdith Y6ou
o lnly eanna he eith uou oI lOnly eWanna hBe eWith uYou Io Olnly Weanna Bhe Weith Yuou k inly sanna Bee sith 7ou kI iOnly sWanna B sWith 7You Ik Oinly Wsanna Be Wsith Y7ou
8 Onnly 2anna Bs 2ith jou 8I Oly 2Wanna Bse 2With jYou I8 Olny W2anna Bes W2ith Yjou u Omly qanna B3 qith tou uI Omnly qWanna B3e qWith tYou Iu Onmly Wqanna Be3 Wqith Ytou
Ohly Bf Wiith Yoou Ohnly Wnna Bfe Wth Yu Onhly Wnana Bef Wtih Yuo Ojly Wznna Br Wjth Yku Ojnly Wzanna Bre Wjith Ykou Onjly Waznna Ber Wijth Yoku
Obly Wqnna B4 W9th Y9u Obnly B4e W9ith Y9ou Onbly Waqnna Be4 Wi9th Yo9u Onlly Wsnna Bd Wlth Y0u Ony Bde Wlith Y0ou Onyl Wasnna Bed Wilth Yo0u
Onky Wwnna Bw Woth Ylu Onkly Wwanna Bwe Woith Ylou Onlky Wawnna Bew Wioth Yolu Onoy Wxnna Wkth Yiu Onoly Wxanna Wkith Yiou Onloy Waxnna Wikth Yoiu
Onpy Wannna W8th Youu Onply Wana W8ith Yo Onlpy Wanna Wi8th You

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