Gonna Make It There

Well done
I can see that it's a game that i'm holding on to
I'm not safe
I cant tell if i am holdin gon to something i shouldn't do
They can move me, they won't improve me
I'm gonna make it better
I cannot do it right
I cannot do it for you
I'm gonna prove i'm right
I will not do it for you
Maybe i'll do wrong
If i should wait
I cannot do it right

And i
Have not been this sure about anything before so
My beat is
It's aching me to forget what i do
They can move me, they won't improve me
They can move me, they won't improve me
Everyone can see us

Mirror lyrics:

Everyone can see us
They can move me, they won't improve me
They can move me, they won't improve me
It's aching me to forget what i do
My beat is
Have not been this sure about anything before so
And i

I cannot do it right
If i should wait
Maybe i'll do wrong
I will not do it for you
I'm gonna prove i'm right
I cannot do it for you
I cannot do it right
I'm gonna make it better
They can move me, they won't improve me
I cant tell if i am holdin gon to something i shouldn't do
I'm not safe
I can see that it's a game that i'm holding on to
Well done

Relevant Tags:
GGonna MMake IIt TThere onna ake t here oGnna aMke tI hTere honna jake jt fhere hGonna jMake jIt fThere Ghonna Mjake Ijt Tfhere
yonna kake 9t 5here yGonna kMake 9It 5There Gyonna Mkake I9t T5here bonna nake lt hhere bGonna nMake lIt hThere Gbonna Mnake Ilt Thhere
vonna Maake ot yhere vGonna Mke oIt yThere Gvonna Mkae Iot Tyhere fonna Mzke kt 6here fGonna Mzake kIt 6There Gfonna Mazke Ikt T6here
tonna Mqke 8t ghere tGonna Mqake 8It gThere Gtonna Maqke I8t Tghere Goonna Mske ut rhere Gnna Msake uIt rThere Gnona Maske Iut Trhere
Gknna Mwke Itt Gkonna Mwake I Tere Goknna Mawke It Tehre G9nna Mxke If Tjere G9onna Mxake Ift Tjhere Go9nna Maxke Itf Thjere
G0nna Makke I5 Tuere G0onna Mae I5t Tuhere Go0nna Maek It5 Thuere Glnna Male Ih Tnere Glonna Malke Iht Tnhere Golnna Makle Ith Thnere
Ginna Maoe Iy Tbere Gionna Maoke Iyt Tbhere Goinna Makoe Ity Thbere Gonnna Mame I6 Tgere Gona Mamke I6t Gonna Makme It6 Thgere
Gomna Maje Ig Tyere Gomnna Majke Igt Gonmna Makje Itg Thyere Gohna Maie Ir Theere Gohnna Maike Irt Thre Gonhna Makie Itr Three
Gojna Makee Thsre Gojnna Mak Thsere Gonjna Make Thesre Gobna Maks Th3re

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