Beautiful Mistake
Cold Hearts (for Tired Souls)

Life has taken this road
And our lives are joines in the fight
We have heard the choir laughing
Their words are meaningless
We will always have each other
They truly think they always know
We will always be together
They will always be alone

Our dreams they bleed
But the wounds are real
Real inside
Our dreams they bleed
But the wounds will heal

Move without the need to
Try and justify our reasons
For how and why we do this
Their chill wont break us down
The catch is always cold
But their hearts are always colder
We can try and train our feelings
But the fact remains the same


Life will never scar us
Despite their cries for justice
All the names they hide mean nothing
Their names are always fake


Mirror lyrics:


Their names are always fake
All the names they hide mean nothing
Despite their cries for justice
Life will never scar us


But the fact remains the same
We can try and train our feelings
But their hearts are always colder
The catch is always cold
Their chill wont break us down
For how and why we do this
Try and justify our reasons
Move without the need to

But the wounds will heal
Our dreams they bleed
Real inside
But the wounds are real
Our dreams they bleed

They will always be alone
We will always be together
They truly think they always know
We will always have each other
Their words are meaningless
We have heard the choir laughing
And our lives are joines in the fight
Life has taken this road

Relevant Tags:
CCold HHearts ((for TTired SSouls) old earts for ired ouls) oCld eHarts f(or iTred oSuls) fold jearts (ffor fired zouls) fCold jHearts (or fTired zSouls)
Cfold Hjearts (ofr Tfired Szouls) xold uearts (cor 5ired wouls) xCold uHearts (cfor 5Tired wSouls) Cxold Huearts (fcor T5ired Swouls) vold nearts (ror hired douls)
vCold nHearts (rfor hTired dSouls) Cvold Hnearts (fror Thired Sdouls) dold bearts (gor yired eouls) dCold bHearts (gfor yTired eSouls) Cdold Hbearts (fgor Tyired Seouls)
Coold gearts (tor 6ired xouls) Cld gHearts (tfor 6Tired xSouls) Clod Hgearts (ftor T6ired Sxouls) Ckld yearts (vor gired aouls) Ckold yHearts (vfor gTired aSouls)
Cokld Hyearts (fvor Tgired Saouls) C9ld Heearts (dor rired Soouls) C9old Harts (dfor rTired Suls) Co9ld Haerts (fdor Trired Suols) C0ld Hsarts (foor Tiired Skuls)
C0old Hsearts (fr Tred Skouls) Co0ld Hesarts (fro Tried Sokuls) Clld H3arts (fkr Tjred S9uls) Clold H3earts (fkor Tjired S9ouls) Colld He3arts (fokr Tijred So9uls)
Cild Hfarts (f9r T9red S0uls) Ciold Hfearts (f9or T9ired S0ouls) Coild Hefarts (fo9r Ti9red So0uls) Hrarts (f0r Tlred Sluls) Cod Hrearts (f0or Tlired Slouls)
Codl Herarts (fo0r Tilred Soluls) Cokd H4arts (flr Tored Siuls) H4earts (flor Toired Siouls) Colkd He4arts (folr Tiored Soiuls) Cood Hdarts (fir Tkred Souuls)
Hdearts (fior Tkired Sols) Colod Hedarts (foir Tikred Solus) Copd Hwarts (forr T8red Sohls) Copld Hwearts (fo T8ired Sohuls) Colpd Hewarts (for Ti8red Souhls)
Coldd Heaarts (fod Tured So7ls) Col Herts (fodr Tuired So7uls) Cold Herats (ford Tiured Sou7ls) Colx Hezrts (fo4 Tirred Sokls) Colxd Hezarts (fo4r Tied
Coldx Heazrts (for4 Tierd Soukls) Cole Heqrts (fog Tided Soils) Coled Heqarts (fogr Tidred Colde Heaqrts (forg Tirded Souils) Colf Hesrts (fot Ti4ed So8ls)
Colfd (fotr Ti4red So8uls) Coldf Heasrts (fort Tir4ed Sou8ls) Colr Hewrts (fo5 Tiged Sojls) Colrd (fo5r Tigred Sojuls) Coldr Heawrts (for5 Tirged Soujls)
Colc Hexrts (fof Tited Soyls) Colcd Hexarts (fofr Titred Soyuls) Coldc Heaxrts (forf Tirted Souyls)

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