Ben Harper
I Shall Not Walk Alone

Battered and torn
still I can see the light
Tattered and worn
but I must kneel to fight

Friend of mine
what can't you spare
I know some times
it gets cold in there

When my legs no longer carry
and the warm wind chills my bones
I reach for Mother Mary
and I shall not walk alone

Hope is alive
while we're apart
only tears
speak from my heart
break the chains
that hold us down
and we shall be
forever bound

When I'm tired and weary
and a long way from home
I reach for Mother Mary
and I shall not walk alone

Beauty that
we left behind
how shall we
tomorrow find

Set aside
our weight in sin
so that we
can live again

When my legs no longer carry
and the warm wind chills my bones
I reach for Mother Mary
and I shall not walk alone

Mirror lyrics:

and I shall not walk alone
I reach for Mother Mary
and the warm wind chills my bones
When my legs no longer carry

can live again
so that we
our weight in sin
Set aside

tomorrow find
how shall we
we left behind
Beauty that

and I shall not walk alone
I reach for Mother Mary
and a long way from home
When I'm tired and weary

forever bound
and we shall be
that hold us down
break the chains
speak from my heart
only tears
while we're apart
Hope is alive

and I shall not walk alone
I reach for Mother Mary
and the warm wind chills my bones
When my legs no longer carry

it gets cold in there
I know some times
what can't you spare
Friend of mine

but I must kneel to fight
Tattered and worn
still I can see the light
Battered and torn

Relevant Tags:
II SShall NNot WWalk AAlone hall ot alk lone I hSall oNt aWlk lAone j zhall mot aalk zlone jI zShall mNot aWalk zAlone Ij Szhall Nmot Waalk Azlone
9 whall hot 3alk qlone 9I wShall hNot 3Walk qAlone I9 Swhall Nhot W3alk Aqlone l dhall jot dalk slone lI dShall jNot dWalk sAlone Il Sdhall Njot Wdalk Aslone
o ehall bot ealk wlone oI eShall bNot eWalk wAlone Io Sehall Nbot Wealk Awlone k xhall Noot salk xlone kI xShall Nt sWalk xAlone Ik Sxhall Nto Wsalk Axlone
8 ahall Nkt 2alk Allone 8I aShall Nkot 2Walk Aone I8 Sahall Nokt W2alk Aolne u Shhall N9t qalk Akone uI Sall N9ot qWalk Aklone Iu Sahll No9t Wqalk Alkone
Sjall N0t Aoone Sjhall N0ot Wlk Aolone Shjall No0t Wlak Aloone Suall Nlt Wzlk Apone Suhall Nlot Wzalk Aplone Shuall Nolt Wazlk Alpone
Snall Nit Wqlk Snhall Niot Alne Shnall Noit Waqlk Alnoe Sball Nott Wslk Alkne Sbhall No Shball Not Waslk Alokne
Sgall Nof Wwlk Al9ne Sghall Noft Wwalk Al9one Shgall Notf Wawlk Alo9ne Syall No5 Wxlk Al0ne Syhall No5t Wxalk Al0one Shyall Not5 Waxlk Alo0ne

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