Ben Folds
You Don't Know Me (feat. Regina Spektor)

I wanna ask you -
Do you ever sit and wonder,
It's so strange
That we could be together for
So long, and never know, never care
What goes on in the other one's head?

Things I've felt but I've never said
You said things that I never said
So I'll say something that I should have said long ago:

(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all (at all)

You could have just propped me up on the table like a mannequin
Or a cardboard stand-up and paint me (paint me anything)
Any face that you wanted me
To be seen.
Damned by the existential moment where
We saw the couple in the coma and
It was we were the cliché,
But we carried on anyway.

So, sure, I could just close my eyes.
Yeah, sure, trace and memorize,
But can you go back once you know

(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all (at all)

(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)
You don't know me

If I'm the person that you think I am (Ah ah ahh)
Clueless chump you seem to think I am (Ah ah ahhh)
So easily led astray,
An errant dog who occasionally escapes and needs a shorter leash,
then why the f**k would you want me back?!

Maybe it's because

(You don't know me at all)

Ahhh ah
Ahhh ah

(You don't know me,
you don't know me.)

Ahhh ah
Ahhh ah

So, what I'm trying to say is
What (What?)
I'm trying to tell you
It's not gonna come out like I wanna say it cause I know you'll
only change it.
(Say it.)

(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all (at all)

(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all (at all)


(Mmmm, ohh oh
Ah ah ah ah ah
Aha ah ah ah
Aha ah
Ah ah
Oh-oh-oh-oh oh ohh)

Mirror lyrics:

Oh-oh-oh-oh oh ohh)
Ah ah
Aha ah
Aha ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
(Mmmm, ohh oh


You don't know me at all (at all)
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)

You don't know me at all (at all)
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)

(Say it.)
only change it.
It's not gonna come out like I wanna say it cause I know you'll
I'm trying to tell you
What (What?)
So, what I'm trying to say is

Ahhh ah
Ahhh ah

you don't know me.)
(You don't know me,

Ahhh ah
Ahhh ah

(You don't know me at all)

Maybe it's because

then why the f**k would you want me back?!
An errant dog who occasionally escapes and needs a shorter leash,
So easily led astray,
Clueless chump you seem to think I am (Ah ah ahhh)
If I'm the person that you think I am (Ah ah ahh)

You don't know me
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)

You don't know me at all (at all)
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)

But can you go back once you know
Yeah, sure, trace and memorize,
So, sure, I could just close my eyes.

But we carried on anyway.
It was we were the cliché,
We saw the couple in the coma and
Damned by the existential moment where
To be seen.
Any face that you wanted me
Or a cardboard stand-up and paint me (paint me anything)
You could have just propped me up on the table like a mannequin

You don't know me at all (at all)
(You don't know me)
You don't know me at all
(You don't know me)

So I'll say something that I should have said long ago:
You said things that I never said
Things I've felt but I've never said

What goes on in the other one's head?
So long, and never know, never care
That we could be together for
It's so strange
Do you ever sit and wonder,
I wanna ask you -

Relevant Tags:
YYou DDon't KKnow MMe ((feat. RRegina SSpektor) ou on't now e feat. egina pektor) oYu oDn't nKow eM f(eat. eRgina pSektor)
gou xon't lnow je (ffeat. degina zpektor) gYou xDon't lKnow jMe (eat. dRegina zSpektor) Ygou Dxon't Klnow Mje (efat. Rdegina Szpektor)
hou eon't onow ke (ceat. 4egina wpektor) hYou eDon't oKnow kMe (cfeat. 4Regina wSpektor) Yhou Deon't Konow Mke (fceat. R4egina Swpektor)
6ou fon't mnow ne (reat. gegina dpektor) 6You fDon't mKnow nMe (rfeat. gRegina dSpektor) Y6ou Dfon't Kmnow Mne (freat. Rgegina Sdpektor)
uou ron't jnow Mee (geat. tegina epektor) uYou rDon't jKnow M (gfeat. tRegina eSpektor) Yuou Dron't Kjnow Me (fgeat. Rtegina Sepektor)
7ou con't inow Ms (teat. 5egina xpektor) 7You cDon't iKnow Mse (tfeat. 5Regina xSpektor) Y7ou Dcon't Kinow Mes (fteat. R5egina Sxpektor)
jou son't Knnow M3 (veat. fegina apektor) jYou sDon't Kow M3e (vfeat. fRegina aSpektor) Yjou Dson't Konw Me3 (fveat. Rfegina Sapektor)
tou Doon't Kmow Mf (deat. eegina Sppektor) tYou Dn't Mfe (dfeat. eRegina Sektor) Ytou Dno't Knmow Mef (fdeat. Reegina Sepktor)
Yoou Dkn't Khow Mr (feeat. S0ektor) Yu Dkon't Khnow Mre (fat. Rgina S0pektor) Yuo Dokn't Knhow Mer (faet. Rgeina Sp0ektor)
Yku D9n't Kjow M4 (fsat. Rsgina Slektor) Ykou D9on't M4e (fseat. Rsegina Slpektor) Yoku Do9n't Knjow Me4 (fesat. Resgina Splektor)
Y9u D0n't Kbow Md (f3at. R3gina Soektor) Y9ou D0on't Kbnow Mde (f3eat. R3egina Sopektor) Yo9u Do0n't Knbow Med (fe3at. Re3gina Spoektor)
Y0u Dln't Knoow Mw (ffat. Rfgina Speektor) Y0ou Dlon't Knw Mwe Spktor) Yo0u Doln't Knwo Mew (fefat. Refgina Spketor)
Ylu Din't Knkw (frat. Rrgina Spsktor) Ylou Dion't Knkow Rregina Spsektor) Yolu Doin't Knokw (ferat. Rergina Spesktor)
Yiu Donn't Kn9w (f4at. R4gina Sp3ktor) Yiou Do't Kn9ow (f4eat. Sp3ektor) Yoiu Do'nt Kno9w (fe4at. Re4gina Spe3ktor)
Youu Dom't Kn0w (fdat. Rdgina Spfktor) Yo Domn't Kn0ow Spfektor) You Donm't Kno0w (fedat. Redgina Spefktor)
Yoh Doh't Knlw (fwat. Rwgina Sprktor) Yohu Dohn't Knlow (fweat. Rwegina Sprektor) Youh Donh't Knolw (fewat. Rewgina Sperktor)
Yo7 Doj't Kniw (feaat. Reggina Sp4ktor) Yo7u Dojn't Kniow (fet. Reina Sp4ektor) You7 Donj't Knoiw (feta. Reigna Spe4ktor)
Yok Dob't Knoww (fezt. Rehina Spdktor) Dobn't Kno (fezat. Rehgina Spdektor) Youk Donb't Know (feazt. Reghina Spedktor)
Yoi Don''t Knoa (feqt. Reyina Spwktor) Dont Knoaw (feqat. Reygina Spwektor) Youi Dont' Knowa (feaqt. Regyina Spewktor)
Yo8 Don'tt Kno3 (fest. Rebina Spekktor) Yo8u Don' Kno3w Rebgina Spetor) You8 Don't Know3 (feast. Regbina Spetkor)
Yoj Don'f Knod (fewt. Revina Speltor) Yoju Don'ft Knodw Revgina Spelktor) Youj Don'tf Knowd (feawt. Regvina Spekltor)
Yoy Don'5 Knoe (fext. Refina Speotor) Yoyu Don'5t Knoew (fexat. Speoktor) Youy Don't5 Knowe (feaxt. Regfina Spekotor)
Don'h Knos (featt. Retina Spemtor) Don'ht Knosw (fea. Retgina Spemktor) Don'th Knows (fea.t Regtina Spekmtor)
Don'y Kno2 (feaf. Regiina Spejtor) Don'yt Kno2w (feaft. Regna Spejktor) Don'ty Know2 (featf. Regnia Spekjtor)

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