
I woke up in sweat, my dreams collapsed like boxes
Painfully the light opens me eyes
I'm finding it strange to hope for a few more hours
Knowing that it'll only drag me down

'Cause I'm safe in my subconsious splendor
A home in this menagerie
Here no questions left to answer
No disappointment to relive

Please turn out the light
I'll turn out my mind
Just sit in the dark
And wait for my time

Clock radio, stop your lying
Your digits wont convince me now
All you're proving is that I'm lazy
Or maybe better off alone

I woke up soaked cold to this condition
Drenched myself into submission
I woke up cold to this condition

Mirror lyrics:

I woke up cold to this condition
Drenched myself into submission
I woke up soaked cold to this condition

Or maybe better off alone
All you're proving is that I'm lazy
Your digits wont convince me now
Clock radio, stop your lying

And wait for my time
Just sit in the dark
I'll turn out my mind
Please turn out the light

No disappointment to relive
Here no questions left to answer
A home in this menagerie
'Cause I'm safe in my subconsious splendor

Knowing that it'll only drag me down
I'm finding it strange to hope for a few more hours
Painfully the light opens me eyes
I woke up in sweat, my dreams collapsed like boxes

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yUnplugged Uynplugged Unnplugged Uplugged Upnlugged Umplugged Umnplugged Unmplugged Uhplugged Unhplugged Ujplugged
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Unlplugged Unpllugged Unolugged Unoplugged Unpolugged Unpugged Unpulgged Unpkugged Unpklugged Unplkugged Unpougged
Unplougged Unppugged Unplpugged Unpluugged Unplgged Unplguged Unplhgged Unplhugged Unpluhgged Unpl7gged Unpl7ugged
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