Barbra Streisand
If You Ever Leave Me

When I fall, you're my place to land,
I lose my touch, you're my hands,
The one I hold on to
If you ever run out of reasons to try
I love enough for both you and I
I'll be the one, you can run to

I'd rather go through, any pain love puts us through,
Than to spend one day without you be my side

If you ever leave me,
Will you take me with you
If you're ever lonely,
I wanna be lonely too
My home's beside you,
No matter where you may go
My love's inside you,
Even more than you know

In a world of anger and lies
I find peace in your eyes
A flame in the darkness
And thru all space and time
Till every star refuses to shine
You know where my heart is

Repeat Bridge

Repeat Chorus

And I can't remember life without you,
The way it used to be
Feels like a million years away
But hold me till the angels sing
Tell me every little thing
Promise me forever,
From this day

Repeat Chrous

Even more that you know (x4)

Mirror lyrics:

Even more that you know (x4)

Repeat Chrous

From this day
Promise me forever,
Tell me every little thing
But hold me till the angels sing
Feels like a million years away
The way it used to be
And I can't remember life without you,

Repeat Chorus

Repeat Bridge

You know where my heart is
Till every star refuses to shine
And thru all space and time
A flame in the darkness
I find peace in your eyes
In a world of anger and lies

Even more than you know
My love's inside you,
No matter where you may go
My home's beside you,
I wanna be lonely too
If you're ever lonely,
Will you take me with you
If you ever leave me,

Than to spend one day without you be my side
I'd rather go through, any pain love puts us through,

I'll be the one, you can run to
I love enough for both you and I
If you ever run out of reasons to try
The one I hold on to
I lose my touch, you're my hands,
When I fall, you're my place to land,

Relevant Tags:
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9f hou 3ver oeave ke 9If hYou 3Ever oLeave kMe I9f Yhou E3ver Loeave Mke lf 6ou fver peave ne lIf 6You fEver pLeave nMe Ilf Y6ou Efver Lpeave Mne
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8f jou dver L3ave M3 8If jYou dEver L3eave M3e I8f Yjou Edver Le3ave Me3 uf tou wver Lfave Mf uIf tYou wEver Lfeave Mfe Iuf Ytou Ewver Lefave Mef
Iff Yoou Evver Lrave Mr I Yu Eer Lreave Mre If Yuo Eevr Lerave Mer Ic Yku Eber L4ave M4 Icf Ykou Ebver L4eave M4e Ifc Yoku Evber Le4ave Me4
Ir Y9u Ecer Ldave Md Irf Y9ou Ecver Ldeave Mde Ifr Yo9u Evcer Ledave Med Ig Y0u Eger Lwave Mw Igf Y0ou Egver Lweave Mwe Ifg Yo0u Evger Lewave Mew
It Ylu Efer Leaave Itf Ylou Leve Ift Yolu Evfer Levae Iv Yiu Eveer Lezve Ivf Yiou Evr Lezave Ifv Yoiu Evre Leazve
Id Youu Evsr Leqve Idf Yo Evser Leqave Ifd You Evesr Leaqve

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