Barbra Streisand
Guilty (duet With Barry Gibb)

Shadows falling , baby , we stand alone
Out on the streeta everybody you meet got a heartache of their own

Make it a crime to be lonely or sad

You got a reason for livin
You battle on with the love youre livin on
You gotta be mine
We take it away
Its gotta be night and day
Just a matter of time

And we got nothing to be guilty of
Our love will climb any mountain near or far , we are
And we never let it end
We are devotion
And we got nothing to be sorry for
Our love is one in a million
Eyes can see that we got a highway to the sky
I dont wanna hear your goodbye

Pulses racing , darling
How grand we are
Little by little we meet in the middle
Theres danger in the dark

Make it a crime to be out in the cold

You got a reason for living
You battle on with the love youre buildin on
You gotta be mine
We take it away
Its gotta be night and day
Just a matter of time

And we got nothing to be guilty of
Our love will climb any mountain near or far , we are
And we never let it end
We are devotion
And we got nothing to be sorry for
Our love is one in a million
Eyes can see that we got a highway to the sky

I dont wanna hear your goodbye

Dont wanna hear your goodbye

I dont wanna hear your..
And we got nothing to be guilty of
Our love will climb any mountain near or far , we are
And we never let it end
We are devotion
And we got nothing to be sorry for
Our love is one in a million

Eyes can see that we got a highway to the sky
Dont wanna hear your goodbye
Dont wanna hear your
And we got nothing to be guilty of...

Mirror lyrics:

And we got nothing to be guilty of...
Dont wanna hear your
Dont wanna hear your goodbye
Eyes can see that we got a highway to the sky

Our love is one in a million
And we got nothing to be sorry for
We are devotion
And we never let it end
Our love will climb any mountain near or far , we are
And we got nothing to be guilty of
I dont wanna hear your..

Dont wanna hear your goodbye

I dont wanna hear your goodbye

Eyes can see that we got a highway to the sky
Our love is one in a million
And we got nothing to be sorry for
We are devotion
And we never let it end
Our love will climb any mountain near or far , we are
And we got nothing to be guilty of

Just a matter of time
Its gotta be night and day
We take it away
You gotta be mine
You battle on with the love youre buildin on
You got a reason for living

Make it a crime to be out in the cold

Theres danger in the dark
Little by little we meet in the middle
How grand we are
Pulses racing , darling

I dont wanna hear your goodbye
Eyes can see that we got a highway to the sky
Our love is one in a million
And we got nothing to be sorry for
We are devotion
And we never let it end
Our love will climb any mountain near or far , we are
And we got nothing to be guilty of

Just a matter of time
Its gotta be night and day
We take it away
You gotta be mine
You battle on with the love youre livin on
You got a reason for livin

Make it a crime to be lonely or sad

Out on the streeta everybody you meet got a heartache of their own
Shadows falling , baby , we stand alone

Relevant Tags:
GGuilty ((duet WWith BBarry GGibb) uilty duet ith arry ibb) uGilty d(uet iWth aBrry iGbb) huilty (dduet aith varry hibb) hGuilty (uet aWith vBarry hGibb)
Ghuilty (udet Waith Bvarry Ghibb) yuilty (xuet 3ith garry yibb) yGuilty (xduet 3With gBarry yGibb) Gyuilty (dxuet W3ith Bgarry Gyibb) builty (euet dith narry bibb)
bGuilty (eduet dWith nBarry bGibb) Gbuilty (deuet Wdith Bnarry Gbibb) vuilty (fuet eith harry vibb) vGuilty (fduet eWith hBarry vGibb) Gvuilty (dfuet Weith Bharry Gvibb)
fuilty (ruet sith Baarry fibb) fGuilty (rduet sWith Brry fGibb) Gfuilty (druet Wsith Brary Gfibb) tuilty (cuet 2ith Bzrry tibb) tGuilty (cduet 2With Bzarry tGibb)
Gtuilty (dcuet W2ith Bazrry Gtibb) Guuilty (suet qith Bqrry Giibb) Gilty (sduet qWith Bqarry Gbb) Giulty (dsuet Wqith Baqrry Gbib) Ghilty (duuet Wiith Bsrry Gjbb)
(det Wth Bsarry Gjibb) Guhilty (deut Wtih Basrry Gijbb) G7ilty (dhet Wjth Bwrry G9bb) G7uilty (dhuet Wjith Bwarry G9ibb) Gu7ilty (duhet Wijth Bawrry Gi9bb)
Gkilty (d7et W9th Bxrry Glbb) Gkuilty (d7uet W9ith Bxarry Glibb) Gukilty (du7et Wi9th Baxrry Gilbb) Giilty (dket Wlth Barrry Gobb) Giuilty (dkuet Wlith Bary Goibb)
Guiilty (duket Wilth Barry Giobb) G8ilty (diet Woth Badry Gkbb) G8uilty (diuet Woith Badrry Gkibb) Gu8ilty (duiet Wioth Bardry Gikbb) Gjilty (d8et Wkth Ba4ry G8bb)
Gjuilty (d8uet Wkith Ba4rry G8ibb) Gujilty (du8et Wikth Bar4ry Gi8bb) Gyilty (djet W8th Bagry Gubb) (djuet W8ith Bagrry Guibb) Guyilty (dujet Wi8th Bargry Giubb)
(dyet Wuth Batry Gibbb) Gulty (dyuet Wuith Batrry Gib) Gulity (duyet Wiuth Bartry Gibb) Gujlty (dueet Witth Ba5ry Givb) (dut Wih Ba5rry Givbb)
Guijlty (dute Wiht Bar5ry Gibvb) Gu9lty (dust Wifh Bafry Gigb) Gu9ilty (duset Wifth Bafrry Gigbb) Gui9lty (duest Witfh Barfry Gibgb) Gullty (du3t Wi5h Baery Ginb)
Gulilty (du3et Wi5th Baerry Ginbb) Guillty (due3t Wit5h Barery Gibnb)

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