Barbra Streisand
Can't Help Lovin' That Man

[From "Show Boat"]

Oh listen sister,
I love my mister man,
And I can't tell you why
There is no reason why I should love that man,
It must be somethin' that de angels have planned.
Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly,
I gotta love one man till I die.
Can't help lovin' that man of mine.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow,
Tell me I'm crazy, maybe I know.
Can't help lovin' that man of mine
When he goes away, that's a rainy day,
And when he comes back that day is fine,
The sun will shine!
He can come home as late as can be,
Home without him ain't no home to me,
Can't help lovin' that man of mine.
Can't help lovin' that man of mine.

Mirror lyrics:

Can't help lovin' that man of mine.
Can't help lovin' that man of mine.
Home without him ain't no home to me,
He can come home as late as can be,
The sun will shine!
And when he comes back that day is fine,
When he goes away, that's a rainy day,
Can't help lovin' that man of mine
Tell me I'm crazy, maybe I know.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow,
Can't help lovin' that man of mine.
I gotta love one man till I die.
Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly,
It must be somethin' that de angels have planned.
There is no reason why I should love that man,
And I can't tell you why
I love my mister man,
Oh listen sister,

[From "Show Boat"]

Relevant Tags:
CCan't HHelp LLovin' TThat MMan an't elp ovin' hat an aCn't eHlp oLvin' hTat aMn fan't jelp kovin' fhat jan fCan't jHelp kLovin' fThat jMan
Cfan't Hjelp Lkovin' Tfhat Mjan xan't uelp oovin' 5hat kan xCan't uHelp oLovin' 5That kMan Cxan't Huelp Loovin' T5hat Mkan van't nelp povin' hhat nan
vCan't nHelp pLovin' hThat nMan Cvan't Hnelp Lpovin' Thhat Mnan dan't belp yhat Maan dCan't bHelp Lvin' yThat Mn Cdan't Hbelp Lvoin' Tyhat Mna
Caan't gelp Lkvin' 6hat Mzn Cn't gHelp 6That Mzan Cna't Hgelp Lokvin' T6hat Mazn Czn't yelp L9vin' ghat Mqn Czan't yHelp L9ovin' gThat Mqan
Cazn't Hyelp Lo9vin' Tghat Maqn Cqn't Heelp L0vin' rhat Msn Cqan't Hlp L0ovin' rThat Msan Caqn't Hlep Lo0vin' Trhat Masn Csn't Hslp Llvin' Mwn
Csan't Hselp Llovin' Tat Mwan Casn't Heslp Lolvin' Taht Mawn Cwn't H3lp Livin' Tjat Mxn Cwan't H3elp Liovin' Tjhat Mxan Cawn't He3lp Loivin' Thjat Maxn
Cxn't Hflp Lovvin' Tuat Mann Hfelp Loin' Tuhat Ma Caxn't Heflp Loivn' Thuat Man Cann't Hrlp Lobin' Tnat Mam Ca't Hrelp Lobvin' Tnhat Mamn
Ca'nt Herlp Lovbin' Thnat Manm Cam't H4lp Locin' Tbat Mah Camn't H4elp Locvin' Tbhat Mahn Canm't He4lp Lovcin' Thbat Manh Cah't Hdlp Login' Tgat Maj
Cahn't Hdelp Logvin' Majn Canh't Hedlp Lovgin' Thgat Manj

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