Day Five Voices

[Pride] I hear voices, they are talking about you
Can you hear them, do you know what they mean?
Try to remember, what have you been through?
What do you know and what have you seen?

I can read the thoughts they're conveying
So intense, can you feel them too?
I can't believe it's true what they're saying
You're far too strong, it couldn't happen to you

[Me] But what if there's truth in the words that they speak?
What do they signify?
[Pride] You worry too much
[Me] And what are the questions to answers I seek
What will they clarify?
[Pride] Yeah, you're losing your touch
[Me] Help me out, this means nothing to me...

[Reason] Who are these voices, where do they come from?
Should we try to understand?
Mere illusions, hallucinations?
They might be vital, to our plan

[Love] They sound familiar, they must be here to help you
All this confusion's tearing you apart
You must be patient, time is the healer
Open up and let them in your heart

[Fear] Their guilty sighs
I think you understand it all
You were afraid to live, now you're afraid to die...

You fool yourself
You rose so high, you were bound to fall
Longing for the truth, you lived a lie...

[Reason] I am convinced now, they are essential
They must be our way out of here

[Love] Listen and learn, let your heart lead you
And you will find the solution's near

[Fear] Their guilty signs
I think you understand it all
Long for the truth, you lived a lie...

[Pride] If they are right, we'll fight for survival
Look to the future, but learn from the past
Confront the danger; face up to your rival
Take a deep breath, we have to move fast

[Me] I think there is truth in the words that they speak
What do they signify?
[Pride] You worry way too much
[Me] I will find the answers to questions I seek
What will they clarify?
[Pride] You're losing your touch
[Me] Help me out, this means nothing to me...

[Pride] Yeah, you're losing your touch
You worry way too much

Mirror lyrics:

You worry way too much
[Pride] Yeah, you're losing your touch

[Me] Help me out, this means nothing to me...
[Pride] You're losing your touch
What will they clarify?
[Me] I will find the answers to questions I seek
[Pride] You worry way too much
What do they signify?
[Me] I think there is truth in the words that they speak

Take a deep breath, we have to move fast
Confront the danger; face up to your rival
Look to the future, but learn from the past
[Pride] If they are right, we'll fight for survival

Long for the truth, you lived a lie...
I think you understand it all
[Fear] Their guilty signs

And you will find the solution's near
[Love] Listen and learn, let your heart lead you

They must be our way out of here
[Reason] I am convinced now, they are essential

Longing for the truth, you lived a lie...
You rose so high, you were bound to fall
You fool yourself

You were afraid to live, now you're afraid to die...
I think you understand it all
[Fear] Their guilty sighs

Open up and let them in your heart
You must be patient, time is the healer
All this confusion's tearing you apart
[Love] They sound familiar, they must be here to help you

They might be vital, to our plan
Mere illusions, hallucinations?
Should we try to understand?
[Reason] Who are these voices, where do they come from?

[Me] Help me out, this means nothing to me...
[Pride] Yeah, you're losing your touch
What will they clarify?
[Me] And what are the questions to answers I seek
[Pride] You worry too much
What do they signify?
[Me] But what if there's truth in the words that they speak?

You're far too strong, it couldn't happen to you
I can't believe it's true what they're saying
So intense, can you feel them too?
I can read the thoughts they're conveying

What do you know and what have you seen?
Try to remember, what have you been through?
Can you hear them, do you know what they mean?
[Pride] I hear voices, they are talking about you

Relevant Tags:
DDay FFive VVoices ay ive oices aDy iFve oVices xay cive boices xDay cFive bVoices Dxay Fcive Vboices eay rive coices
eDay rFive cVoices Deay Frive Vcoices fay give goices fDay gFive gVoices Dfay Fgive Vgoices ray tive foices rDay tFive fVoices
Dray Ftive Vfoices cay vive Vooices cDay vFive Vices Dcay Fvive Vioces say dive Vkices sDay dFive Vkoices Dsay Fdive Vokices
Daay Fiive V9ices Dy Fve V9oices Dya Fvie Vo9ices Dzy Fjve V0ices Dzay Fjive V0oices Dazy Fijve Vo0ices Dqy F9ve Vlices
Dqay F9ive Vloices Daqy Fi9ve Volices Dsy Flve Viices Flive Vioices Dasy Filve Voiices Dwy Fove Dway Foive Voces
Dawy Fiove Vocies Dxy Fkve Vojces Fkive Vojices Daxy Fikve Voijces Dayy F8ve Vo9ces Da F8ive Day Fi8ve Voi9ces
Dag Fuve Volces Dagy Fuive Dayg Fiuve Voilces Dah Fivve Vooces Dahy Fie Dayh Fiev Voioces Da6 Fibe Vokces
Da6y Fibve Day6 Fivbe Voikces Dau Fice Vo8ces Dauy Ficve Vo8ices

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