Barry Sadler
Ballad Of The Green Beret

Fighting soldiers from the sky
fearless men who jump and die
men who mean just what they say
the brave men of the Green Beret
Silver wings upon their chest
these are men Americas best
one hundred men will test today but
only three win the Green Beret
trained to live off natures land
trained in combat hand to hand
men who fight by night and day
courage take from the Green Beret

Silver wings upon their chest
these are men Americas best
one hundred men will test today
but only three win the Green Beret

Back at home a young wife waits
her Green Beret has met his fate
he has died for those oppressed
leaving her this last request
put silver wings on my sons chest
make him one of Americas best
he'll be a man they'll test one day
have him win the Green Beret

Mirror lyrics:

have him win the Green Beret
he'll be a man they'll test one day
make him one of Americas best
put silver wings on my sons chest
leaving her this last request
he has died for those oppressed
her Green Beret has met his fate
Back at home a young wife waits

but only three win the Green Beret
one hundred men will test today
these are men Americas best
Silver wings upon their chest

courage take from the Green Beret
men who fight by night and day
trained in combat hand to hand
trained to live off natures land
only three win the Green Beret
one hundred men will test today but
these are men Americas best
Silver wings upon their chest
the brave men of the Green Beret
men who mean just what they say
fearless men who jump and die
Fighting soldiers from the sky

Relevant Tags:
BBallad OOf TThe GGreen BBeret allad f he reen eret aBllad fO hTe rGeen eBret vallad kf fhe hreen veret vBallad kOf fThe hGreen vBeret
Bvallad Okf Tfhe Ghreen Bveret gallad 9f 5he yreen geret gBallad 9Of 5The yGreen gBeret Bgallad O9f T5he Gyreen Bgeret nallad 0f hhe breen neret
nBallad 0Of hThe bGreen nBeret Bnallad O0f Thhe Gbreen Bneret hallad lf yhe vreen heret hBallad lOf yThe vGreen hBeret Bhallad Olf Tyhe Gvreen Bheret
Baallad if 6he freen Beeret Bllad iOf 6The fGreen Bret Blalad Oif T6he Gfreen Breet Bzllad Off ghe treen Bsret Bzallad O gThe tGreen Bseret
Bazllad Of Tghe Gtreen Besret Bqllad Oc rhe Grreen B3ret Bqallad Ocf rThe Geen B3eret Baqllad Ofc Trhe Geren Be3ret Bsllad Or Gdeen Bfret
Bsallad Orf Te Gdreen Bferet Basllad Ofr Teh Grdeen Befret Bwllad Og Tje G4een Brret Bwallad Ogf Tjhe G4reen Breret Bawllad Ofg Thje Gr4een Berret
Bxllad Ot Tue Ggeen B4ret Bxallad Otf Tuhe Ggreen B4eret Baxllad Oft Thue Grgeen Be4ret Balllad Ov Tne Gteen Bdret Balad Ovf Tnhe Bderet
Ballad Ofv Thne Grteen Bedret Baklad Od Tbe G5een Bwret Bakllad Odf Tbhe G5reen Bweret Balklad Ofd Thbe Gr5een Bewret Baolad Tge Gfeen
Baollad Beet Balolad Thge Grfeen Beert Baplad Tye Geeen Bedet Bapllad Gereen Balplad Thye Greeen Berdet
Thee Be4et Th Gren Balald The Green Ber4et Balkad Ths Grsen Beget Thse Grseen Begret

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