Barry Manilow
Tryin' To Get The Feeling Again

Doctor, my woman is comin' back home late today
Coudja maybe give me somethin' ?
'cause the feeling is gone and I must get it back right away
Before she sees that

That I've been up, down, tryin' to get the feelin again
All around, tryin' to get the feelin again
The one that made me shiver
Made my knees start to quiver
Every time she walked in

And I've looked high, low
Everywhere I possibly can
But there's no, tryin' to get the feelin' again
It seemed to disappear as fast as it came

Where did it run to? I thought I'd done all that I could
Just to keep the love light burnin'
But whatever I've done, I guess I just haven't done it too good
'cause all that's left is

I've been up, down, tryin' to get the feelin' again
All around, tryin' to get the feelin' again
The one that made me shiver, made my knees start to quiver
Every time she walked in

And I've looked high and low
And everywhere I possibly can
But there's no tryin' to get the feelin' again
It seemed to disappear as fast as it came

And I've been lookin', I've been lookin', I've been lookin'
I've been up , I've been down, and tryin' to get the feelin'
I've been up, I've been down, I've been tryin' to get
I've tried and I've tried and I've tried to get the feelin'
I've been trying to get the feelin' again
I want to get that feelin'
I want to get that feelin'
I've got to get that feelin'
I've gotta get that feelin' again
And again and again
Tryin' to get the feelin'
I've been tryin' to get the feelin' again!!!

Mirror lyrics:

I've been tryin' to get the feelin' again!!!
Tryin' to get the feelin'
And again and again
I've gotta get that feelin' again
I've got to get that feelin'
I want to get that feelin'
I want to get that feelin'
I've been trying to get the feelin' again
I've tried and I've tried and I've tried to get the feelin'
I've been up, I've been down, I've been tryin' to get
I've been up , I've been down, and tryin' to get the feelin'
And I've been lookin', I've been lookin', I've been lookin'

It seemed to disappear as fast as it came
But there's no tryin' to get the feelin' again
And everywhere I possibly can
And I've looked high and low

Every time she walked in
The one that made me shiver, made my knees start to quiver
All around, tryin' to get the feelin' again
I've been up, down, tryin' to get the feelin' again

'cause all that's left is
But whatever I've done, I guess I just haven't done it too good
Just to keep the love light burnin'
Where did it run to? I thought I'd done all that I could

It seemed to disappear as fast as it came
But there's no, tryin' to get the feelin' again
Everywhere I possibly can
And I've looked high, low

Every time she walked in
Made my knees start to quiver
The one that made me shiver
All around, tryin' to get the feelin again
That I've been up, down, tryin' to get the feelin again

Before she sees that
'cause the feeling is gone and I must get it back right away
Coudja maybe give me somethin' ?
Doctor, my woman is comin' back home late today

Relevant Tags:
TTryin' TTo GGet TThe FFeeling AAgain ryin' o et he eeling gain rTyin' oT eGt hTe eFeling gAain fryin' fo het fhe ceeling zgain fTryin' fTo hGet fThe cFeeling zAgain
Tfryin' Tfo Ghet Tfhe Fceeling Azgain 5ryin' 5o yet 5he reeling qgain 5Tryin' 5To yGet 5The rFeeling qAgain T5ryin' T5o Gyet T5he Freeling Aqgain hryin' ho bet hhe geeling sgain
hTryin' hTo bGet hThe gFeeling sAgain Thryin' Tho Gbet Thhe Fgeeling Asgain yryin' yo vet yhe teeling wgain yTryin' yTo vGet yThe tFeeling wAgain Tyryin' Tyo Gvet Tyhe Fteeling Awgain
6ryin' 6o fet 6he veeling xgain 6Tryin' 6To fGet 6The vFeeling xAgain T6ryin' T6o Gfet T6he Fveeling Axgain gryin' go tet ghe deeling Aggain gTryin' gTo tGet gThe dFeeling Aain
Tgryin' Tgo Gtet Tghe Fdeeling Aagin rryin' ro Geet rhe Feeeling Ahain rTryin' rTo Gt rThe Feling Ahgain Trryin' Tro Gte Trhe Feeling Aghain Too Gst Fseling Ayain
Tyin' T Gset Te Fseeling Aygain Tyrin' To Gest Teh Feseling Agyain Tdyin' Tk G3t Tje F3eling Abain Tdryin' Tko G3et Tjhe F3eeling Abgain Trdyin' Tok Ge3t Thje Fe3eling Agbain
T4yin' T9 Gft Tue Ffeling Avain T4ryin' T9o Tuhe Ffeeling Avgain Tr4yin' To9 Geft Thue Fefeling Agvain Tgyin' T0 Grt Tne Freling Afain T0o Gret Tnhe Afgain
Trgyin' To0 Gert Thne Fereling Agfain Ttyin' Tl G4t Tbe F4eling Atain Ttryin' Tlo G4et Tbhe F4eeling Atgain Trtyin' Tol Ge4t Thbe Fe4eling Agtain T5yin' Ti Gdt Tge Fdeling Agaain
Tio Gdet Agin Tr5yin' Toi Gedt Thge Fedeling Agian Tfyin' Gwt Tye Fweling Agzin Gwet Fweeling Agzain Trfyin' Gewt Thye Feweling Agazin
Teyin' Gett Thee Agqin Teryin' Ge Th Agqain Treyin' Get The Feleing Agaqin Tryyin' Gef Ths Fesling Agsin Trin' Thse Agsain
Triyn' Getf Thes Feesling Agasin Trgin' Ge5 Th3 Fe3ling Agwin Ge5t Th3e Agwain Trygin' Get5 The3 Fee3ling Agawin Trhin' Geh Thf Fefling Agxin
Trhyin' Geht Thfe Agxain Tryhin' Geth Thef Feefling Agaxin Tr6in' Gey Thr Ferling Agaiin Tr6yin' Geyt Thre Agan Try6in' Gety Ther Feerling Agani
Truin' Ge6 Th4 Fe4ling Agajn Truyin' Ge6t Th4e Agajin

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