Barry Manilow
Love Is A Many Splendored Thing

Love is a many splendored thing

It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring

Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living

The golden crown that makes a man a king

Once on a high and windy hill

In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still

Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing

Yes, true love's a many splendored thing

Oh once on a high and windy hill

In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still

Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing

Yes, true love's a many splendored thing

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, true love's a many splendored thing

Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing

In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still

Oh once on a high and windy hill

Yes, true love's a many splendored thing

Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing

In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still

Once on a high and windy hill

The golden crown that makes a man a king

Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living

It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring

Love is a many splendored thing

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs AA MMany SSplendored TThing ove s any plendored hing oLve sI A aMny pSlendored hTing kove js z jany zplendored fhing kLove jIs zA jMany zSplendored fThing
Lkove Ijs Az Mjany Szplendored Tfhing oove 9s q kany wplendored 5hing oLove 9Is qA kMany wSplendored 5Thing Loove I9s Aq Mkany Swplendored T5hing pove ls s nany dplendored hhing
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Lo9ve I8s Maqny Saplendored Tghing L0ve us Msny Spplendored rhing L0ove uIs Msany Slendored rThing Lo0ve Ius Masny Slpendored Trhing Llve Iss Mwny S0lendored
Llove I Mwany S0plendored Ting Lolve Is Mawny Sp0lendored Tihng Live Iz Mxny Sllendored Tjing Liove Izs Mxany Slplendored Tjhing Loive Isz Maxny Spllendored Thjing
Lovve Iw Manny Solendored Tuing Loe Iws May Soplendored Tuhing Loev Isw Mayn Spolendored Thuing Lobe Id Mamy Tning Lobve Ids Mamny Spendored Tnhing
Lovbe Isd Manmy Spelndored Thning Loce Ie Mahy Spkendored Tbing Locve Ies Mahny Spklendored Tbhing Lovce Ise Manhy Splkendored Thbing Loge Ix Majy Spoendored Tging
Logve Ixs Majny Lovge Isx Manjy Sploendored Thging Lofe Ia Maby Sppendored Tying Lofve Ias Mabny Lovfe Isa Manby Splpendored Thying
Lovee Manyy Spleendored Thiing Lov Man Splndored Thng Love Many Splnedored Thnig Lovs Mang Splsndored Thjng Lovse Mangy Splsendored
Loves Manyg Splesndored Thijng Lov3 Manh Spl3ndored Th9ng Lov3e Spl3endored Th9ing Love3 Manyh Sple3ndored Thi9ng Lovf Man6 Splfndored Thlng
Man6y Splfendored Thling Lovef Many6 Splefndored Thilng Lovr Manu Splrndored Thong Lovre Manuy Splrendored Thoing Lover Manyu Splerndored Thiong
Lov4 Man7 Spl4ndored Thkng Lov4e Man7y Spl4endored Thking Love4 Many7 Sple4ndored Thikng Lovd Manj Spldndored Th8ng Lovde Spldendored Th8ing
Loved Manyj Spledndored Thi8ng Lovw Mant Splwndored Thung Lovwe Manty Splwendored Lovew Manyt Splewndored Thiung Splenndored Thinng
Spledored Thig Splednored Thign Splemdored Thimg Splemndored Thimng Splenmdored Thinmg
Splehdored Thihg Splehndored Thihng Splenhdored Thinhg Splejdored Thijg Splejndored
Splenjdored Thinjg Splebdored Thibg Splebndored Thibng Splenbdored Thinbg Splenddored Thingg
Splenored Thin Splenodred Thing Splenxored Thinh Splenxdored Splendxored Thingh

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