Barry Manilow
I Hear Her Playing Music

I hear her playing music
In her room alone at night

She just moved in a month ago
She isn't gonna play the game
I though she'd smile
And come on slow
I still don't even know her name
She must like being lonely
Got no time for anyone
But I hear her play that stereo
Right through to the rising sun

I hear her playing music
In her room alone all night
Through the day she's so elusive
Staying safe and out of sight
If you say hello she lets it go
Cool and so polite
And I hear her playing music
In her room alone at night

Baby are you sad and lonely
Or did somebody do you wrong
'Cause I know that you need only
Look my way
And they'll play our song
And I love your nightly music
But you can't keep playing through
'Cause I'm having trouble sleeping
And when I do I dream of you

I thought I'd try and break the freeze
And win her heart with harmony
So I answered back
And played a stack of my favorite CD's
But she just doesn't hear me
Doesn't have a word to say
So I stay awake and turn it up
Hoping she'll look out my way

I hear her playing music
In her room alone at night
Through the day she's so elusive
Staying safe and out of sight
If you say hello she lets it go
Cool and so polite
And I hear her playing Dave Koz
In her room alone at night
In her room alone at night
Baby are you sad and lonely
Baby won't you tell me your name

I'm in my room alone at night
You're in your room alone at night

Mirror lyrics:

You're in your room alone at night
I'm in my room alone at night

Baby won't you tell me your name
Baby are you sad and lonely
In her room alone at night
In her room alone at night
And I hear her playing Dave Koz
Cool and so polite
If you say hello she lets it go
Staying safe and out of sight
Through the day she's so elusive
In her room alone at night
I hear her playing music

Hoping she'll look out my way
So I stay awake and turn it up
Doesn't have a word to say
But she just doesn't hear me
And played a stack of my favorite CD's
So I answered back
And win her heart with harmony
I thought I'd try and break the freeze

And when I do I dream of you
'Cause I'm having trouble sleeping
But you can't keep playing through
And I love your nightly music
And they'll play our song
Look my way
'Cause I know that you need only
Or did somebody do you wrong
Baby are you sad and lonely

In her room alone at night
And I hear her playing music
Cool and so polite
If you say hello she lets it go
Staying safe and out of sight
Through the day she's so elusive
In her room alone all night
I hear her playing music

Right through to the rising sun
But I hear her play that stereo
Got no time for anyone
She must like being lonely
I still don't even know her name
And come on slow
I though she'd smile
She isn't gonna play the game
She just moved in a month ago

In her room alone at night
I hear her playing music

Relevant Tags:
II HHear HHer PPlaying MMusic ear er laying usic I eHar eHr lPaying uMsic j jear jer 0laying jusic jI jHear jHer 0Playing jMusic Ij Hjear Hjer P0laying Mjusic
9 uear uer llaying kusic 9I uHear uHer lPlaying kMusic I9 Huear Huer Pllaying Mkusic l near ner olaying nusic lI nHear nHer oPlaying nMusic Il Hnear Hner Polaying Mnusic
o bear ber Muusic oI bHear bHer Paying Msic Io Hbear Hber Palying Msuic k gear ger Pkaying Mhsic kI gHear gHer Pklaying Mhusic Ik Hgear Hger Plkaying Muhsic
8 year yer Poaying M7sic 8I yHear yHer M7usic I8 Hyear Hyer Ploaying Mu7sic u Heear Heer Ppaying Mksic uI Har Hr Pplaying Iu Haer Hre Plpaying Muksic
Hsar Hsr Plaaying Misic Hsear Hser Plying Miusic Hesar Hesr Plyaing Muisic H3ar H3r Plzying M8sic H3ear H3er Plzaying M8usic He3ar He3r Plazying Mu8sic
Hfar Hfr Plqying Mjsic Hfear Hfer Plqaying Hefar Hefr Plaqying Mujsic Hrar Hrr Plsying Mysic Hrear Hrer Plsaying Myusic Herar Herr Plasying Muysic
H4ar H4r Plwying Mussic H4ear H4er Plwaying Muic He4ar He4r Plawying Muisc Hdar Hdr Plxying Muzic Hdear Hder Plxaying Muzsic Hedar Hedr Plaxying Muszic
Hwar Hwr Playying Muwic Hwear Hwer Plaing Muwsic Hewar Hewr Plaiyng Muswic Heaar Plaging Mudic Her He Plagying Mudsic Hera Her Playging Musdic
Hezr Hed Plahing Mueic Hezar Plahying Muesic Heazr Herd Playhing Museic Heqr He4 Pla6ing Muxic Heqar Pla6ying Muxsic Heaqr Her4 Play6ing Musxic
Hesr Heg Plauing Muaic Hegr Plauying Muasic Heasr Herg Playuing Musaic Hewr Het Pla7ing Musiic Hetr Pla7ying Musc Heawr Hert Play7ing Musci

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