Bebo Norman
Where You Are

Take another look at me
Oh breaker of my heart
Take a look and you will see
How beautiful you are

Even when I walk away
I could not go very far
Before the child in me would say
Home is where you are

In the tapestry of time
I cannot imagine where
I could find someone as kind
On the ground or in the air

I have heard that angels fly
And they never show their face
So I suppose that from the sky
One landed in your place

Did you know right from the start
When you first held me in your arms
That you would always hold my heart
Where you are

You make the mornings seem so light
With coffee in the air
But to be a mother and a wife
Is a heavy load to bear

And so you gave your life away
Like the God inside your heart
And even though we've gone away
Home is where you are
It's where you are...

Mirror lyrics:

It's where you are...
Home is where you are
And even though we've gone away
Like the God inside your heart
And so you gave your life away

Is a heavy load to bear
But to be a mother and a wife
With coffee in the air
You make the mornings seem so light

Where you are
That you would always hold my heart
When you first held me in your arms
Did you know right from the start

One landed in your place
So I suppose that from the sky
And they never show their face
I have heard that angels fly

On the ground or in the air
I could find someone as kind
I cannot imagine where
In the tapestry of time

Home is where you are
Before the child in me would say
I could not go very far
Even when I walk away

How beautiful you are
Take a look and you will see
Oh breaker of my heart
Take another look at me

Relevant Tags:
WWhere YYou AAre here ou re hWere oYu rAe ahere gou zre aWhere gYou zAre Wahere Ygou Azre 3here hou qre 3Where hYou qAre W3here Yhou Aqre
dhere 6ou sre dWhere 6You sAre Wdhere Y6ou Asre ehere uou wre eWhere uYou wAre Wehere Yuou Awre shere 7ou xre sWhere 7You xAre Wshere Y7ou Axre
2here jou Arre 2Where jYou Ae W2here Yjou Aer qhere tou Ade qWhere tYou Adre Wqhere Ytou Arde Whhere Yoou A4e Were Yu A4re Wehre Yuo Ar4e
Wjere Yku Age Wjhere Ykou Agre Whjere Yoku Arge Wuere Y9u Ate Wuhere Y9ou Atre Whuere Yo9u Arte Wnere Y0u A5e Wnhere Y0ou A5re Whnere Yo0u Ar5e
Wbere Ylu Afe Wbhere Ylou Afre Whbere Yolu Arfe Wgere Yiu Aee Wghere Yiou Aere Whgere Yoiu Aree Wyere Youu Wyhere Yo Ar Whyere You Are
Wheere Yoh Ars Whre Yohu Arse Whree Youh Ares Whsre Yo7 Ar3 Whsere Yo7u Ar3e Whesre You7 Are3 Wh3re Yok Arf Wh3ere Whe3re Youk Aref

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