Bebo Norman
Where The Trees Stand Still

Everyone it seems
Is looking for the grass that's greener here
And through my window pane
The scenery flies by and disappears
So tell to me the secret
That won't let the memories fade away
Until I am home again....where the trees stand still

Yesterday it seems
I traveled in a younger man's clothes
Living out this dream
And wandering through fields of touch and go
Moving on forever
Watching the distance fade away
But now I just want to land...where the trees stand still

All this time
On this line
Here then I am gone

Tonight I want a life
Where the faces are the same most every day
Tonight I want a wife
To sit with me and watch our children play
All the world between us
Watching the years fade away
And when the laughing's done...we'll watch the trees stand still
Everyday...where the trees stand still
We will make a home...where the trees stand still

Mirror lyrics:

We will make a home...where the trees stand still
Everyday...where the trees stand still
And when the laughing's done...we'll watch the trees stand still
Watching the years fade away
All the world between us
To sit with me and watch our children play
Tonight I want a wife
Where the faces are the same most every day
Tonight I want a life

Here then I am gone
On this line
All this time

But now I just want to land...where the trees stand still
Watching the distance fade away
Moving on forever
And wandering through fields of touch and go
Living out this dream
I traveled in a younger man's clothes
Yesterday it seems

Until I am home again....where the trees stand still
That won't let the memories fade away
So tell to me the secret
The scenery flies by and disappears
And through my window pane
Is looking for the grass that's greener here
Everyone it seems

Relevant Tags:
WWhere TThe TTrees SStand SStill here he rees tand till hWere hTe rTees tSand tSill ahere fhe frees ztand ztill aWhere fThe fTrees zStand zStill
Wahere Tfhe Tfrees Sztand Sztill 3here 5he 5rees wtand wtill 3Where 5The 5Trees wStand wStill W3here T5he T5rees Swtand Swtill dhere hhe hrees dtand dtill
dWhere hThe hTrees dStand dStill Wdhere Thhe Threes Sdtand Sdtill ehere yhe yrees etand etill eWhere yThe yTrees eStand eStill Wehere Tyhe Tyrees Setand Setill
shere 6he 6rees xtand xtill sWhere 6The 6Trees xStand xStill Wshere T6he T6rees Sxtand Sxtill 2here ghe grees atand atill 2Where gThe gTrees aStand aStill
W2here Tghe Tgrees Satand Satill qhere rhe rrees Sttand Sttill qWhere rThe rTrees Sand Sill Wqhere Trhe Trrees Satnd Sitll Whhere Sfand Sfill
Were Te Tees Sftand Sftill Wehre Teh Teres Stfand Stfill Wjere Tje Tdees S5and S5ill Wjhere Tjhe Tdrees S5tand S5till Whjere Thje Trdees St5and St5ill
Wuere Tue T4ees Shand Shill Wuhere Tuhe T4rees Shtand Shtill Whuere Thue Tr4ees Sthand Sthill Wnere Tne Tgees Syand Syill Wnhere Tnhe Sytand Sytill
Whnere Thne Trgees Styand Styill Wbere Tbe Ttees S6and S6ill Wbhere Tbhe Ttrees S6tand S6till Whbere Thbe Trtees St6and St6ill Wgere Tge T5ees Sgand Sgill
Wghere Sgtand Sgtill Whgere Thge Tr5ees Stgand Stgill Wyere Tye Tfees Srand Srill Wyhere Srtand Srtill Whyere Thye Trfees Strand Strill
Wheere Thee Teees Staand Stiill Whre Th Terees Stnd Stll Whree The Treees Stnad Stlil Whsre Ths Stznd Stjll Whsere Thse Tres Stzand Stjill
Whesre Thes Trees Staznd Stijll Wh3re Th3 Trses Stqnd St9ll Wh3ere Th3e Trsees Stqand St9ill Whe3re The3 Treses Staqnd Sti9ll

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