Bebo Norman
Long Way Home

It's a long way home, and the fists have flown
In the silence, there's nowhere left to run
It's the battle of our pending love
In the shadow of another smoking gun

When we dreamed this dream
For the first time, it seemed
We could live this love for a lifetime
You and me
So I will

I will not give up this fight
I will not lay down and die
I will not carry this heart of stone
I may not be your place to run
I may not be your kingdom come
I may stumble through this great unknown
But I will be all that is true
I will not give up on you
I was made to be with you alone
Cause you and me, we're gonna see
The long way home

It's a long way home, and the crying's done
But the sorrow is still wet upon your face
Our colliding hearts sometimes break apart
But now the pieces are gathered up in grace

When we dream this dream
For the last time, we'll see
That we lived this love for a lifetime
Just you and me
So I will

I will not give up this fight
I will not lay down and die
I will not carry this heart of stone
I may not be your place to run
I may not be your kingdom come
I may stumble thru this great unknown
But I will be all that is true
I will not give up on you
I was made to be with you alone
Cause you and me, we're gonna see
The long way home

I will not give up this fight
I will not lay down and die
I will not carry this heart of stone
Cause I am not your place to run
I am not your kingdom come
And I may stumble thru this great unknown
But I will be all that is true
I will not give up on you
I was made to be with you alone

Cause you and I, we're gonna fly
The long way home

Mirror lyrics:

The long way home
Cause you and I, we're gonna fly

I was made to be with you alone
I will not give up on you
But I will be all that is true
And I may stumble thru this great unknown
I am not your kingdom come
Cause I am not your place to run
I will not carry this heart of stone
I will not lay down and die
I will not give up this fight

The long way home
Cause you and me, we're gonna see
I was made to be with you alone
I will not give up on you
But I will be all that is true
I may stumble thru this great unknown
I may not be your kingdom come
I may not be your place to run
I will not carry this heart of stone
I will not lay down and die
I will not give up this fight

So I will
Just you and me
That we lived this love for a lifetime
For the last time, we'll see
When we dream this dream

But now the pieces are gathered up in grace
Our colliding hearts sometimes break apart
But the sorrow is still wet upon your face
It's a long way home, and the crying's done

The long way home
Cause you and me, we're gonna see
I was made to be with you alone
I will not give up on you
But I will be all that is true
I may stumble through this great unknown
I may not be your kingdom come
I may not be your place to run
I will not carry this heart of stone
I will not lay down and die
I will not give up this fight

So I will
You and me
We could live this love for a lifetime
For the first time, it seemed
When we dreamed this dream

In the shadow of another smoking gun
It's the battle of our pending love
In the silence, there's nowhere left to run
It's a long way home, and the fists have flown

Relevant Tags:
LLong WWay HHome ong ay ome oLng aWy oHme kong aay jome kLong aWay jHome Lkong Waay Hjome oong 3ay uome oLong 3Way uHome Loong W3ay Huome
pong day nome pLong dWay nHome Lpong Wday Hnome eay bome Lng eWay bHome Lnog Weay Hbome Lkng say gome sWay gHome Lokng Wsay Hgome
L9ng 2ay yome L9ong 2Way yHome Lo9ng W2ay Hyome L0ng qay Hoome L0ong qWay Hme Lo0ng Wqay Hmoe Llng Hkme Llong Wy Hkome Lolng Wya Hokme
Ling Wzy H9me Liong Wzay H9ome Loing Wazy Ho9me Lonng Wqy H0me Log H0ome Logn Waqy Ho0me Lomg Wsy Hlme Lomng Hlome Lonmg Wasy Holme
Lohg Wwy Hime

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