Band Of Bees, A
These Are The Ghosts

You should think of a lesson
As a weapon of love
And teach your brother
Teach your sister
Think of a lesson as a weapon in love

There's nothing you can do
But let time tick
Stay positive and show stiff lip
Nothing you can do
But let time tick away

I need twice as much space
And half as many things
A well written verse that I can sing
Twice as much space
And a new set of strings

These are the ghosts I made myself
These are the ghosts I made

We can bury the memory
If we want to go back
We're forward wanting
Past the haunting
Bury the memory
We don't want to go back

Mirror lyrics:

We don't want to go back
Bury the memory
Past the haunting
We're forward wanting
If we want to go back
We can bury the memory

These are the ghosts I made
These are the ghosts I made myself

And a new set of strings
Twice as much space
A well written verse that I can sing
And half as many things
I need twice as much space

But let time tick away
Nothing you can do
Stay positive and show stiff lip
But let time tick
There's nothing you can do

Think of a lesson as a weapon in love
Teach your sister
And teach your brother
As a weapon of love
You should think of a lesson

Relevant Tags:
TThese AAre TThe GGhosts hese re he hosts hTese rAe hTe hGosts fhese zre fhe hhosts fThese zAre fThe hGhosts Tfhese Azre Tfhe Ghhosts
5hese qre 5he yhosts 5These qAre 5The yGhosts T5hese Aqre T5he Gyhosts hhese sre hhe bhosts hThese sAre hThe bGhosts Thhese Asre Thhe Gbhosts
yhese wre yhe vhosts yThese wAre yThe vGhosts Tyhese Awre Tyhe Gvhosts 6hese xre 6he fhosts 6These xAre 6The fGhosts T6hese Axre T6he Gfhosts
ghese Arre ghe thosts gThese Ae gThe tGhosts Tghese Aer Tghe Gthosts rhese Ade rhe rThese Adre rThe Gosts Trhese Arde Trhe Gohsts
A4e Gjosts Tese A4re Te Gjhosts Tehse Ar4e Teh Ghjosts Tjese Age Tje Guosts Tjhese Agre Tjhe Guhosts Thjese Arge Thje Ghuosts
Tuese Ate Tue Gnosts Tuhese Atre Tuhe Gnhosts Thuese Arte Thue Ghnosts Tnese A5e Tne Gbosts Tnhese A5re Tnhe Thnese Ar5e Thne Ghbosts
Tbese Afe Tbe Ggosts Tbhese Afre Tbhe Gghosts Thbese Arfe Thbe Ghgosts Tgese Aee Tge Gyosts Aere Thgese Aree Thge Ghyosts
Tyese Tye Ghoosts Ar Ghsts Thyese Are Thye Ghsots Theese Ars Thee Ghksts Thse Arse Th Ghkosts Thsee Ares The Ghoksts
Thsse Ar3 Ths Gh9sts Thsese Ar3e Thse Gh9osts Thesse Are3 Thes Gho9sts Th3se Arf Th3 Gh0sts Th3ese Th3e Gh0osts The3se Aref The3 Gho0sts
Thfse Arr Thf Ghlsts Thfese Thfe Ghlosts Thefse Arer Thef Gholsts Thrse Ar4 Thr Ghists Threse Thre Ghiosts Therse Are4 Ther Ghoists
Th4se Ard Th4 Ghossts Th4ese Th4e Ghots

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