Beres Hammond
What One Dance Can Do

I'd like to tell you a story about
what one dance can do,
one dance can do
one dance can do

A listen up

After one dance on the floor
she came back, wanting for more
for more,
and I don't know what it is
that I've got, but she whispered it was so nice
so nice...
but her man is sitting across the way
and he can hear the things I'd say
now he watches from the corner of his eyes
so a move like this would be so unwise
ooh ooh he's standing in my way
standing in my way hey yeah, yeah

you could see
she was more than ready
to make the move with me
not even thinking of the consequences
now now now
so I had to think quickly
cause her man his face was looking oh so mean
as if anytime, he could create a scene
so gently I pushed her away

ooh ooh, he wants to spoil the play
he's standing in my way...hey yeah
he's standing in my way yeah...

Woo ooh oohh....

Now I understand how he feels
but I wish he'd give me a little room
i know he's got himself a raw deal
but i'd like to leave with this lady to
but it mean to be so unkind
i had move into the one,who was looking fine
big spender he was, had to have his
own way, I thought he'd leave, but he
stayed, oh ohh still standing in my way...
standing in my way yeah, yeah
standing in my way hey

oooh oooh standing in my way hey
standing.... standing in my way hey

Thats what one dance can do....
standing in my way
one dance can do
standing in my way hey

Mirror lyrics:

standing in my way hey
one dance can do
standing in my way
Thats what one dance can do....

standing.... standing in my way hey
oooh oooh standing in my way hey

standing in my way hey
standing in my way yeah, yeah
stayed, oh ohh still standing in my way...
own way, I thought he'd leave, but he
big spender he was, had to have his
i had move into the one,who was looking fine
but it mean to be so unkind
but i'd like to leave with this lady to
i know he's got himself a raw deal
but I wish he'd give me a little room
Now I understand how he feels

Woo ooh oohh....

he's standing in my way yeah...
he's standing in my way...hey yeah
ooh ooh, he wants to spoil the play

so gently I pushed her away
as if anytime, he could create a scene
cause her man his face was looking oh so mean
so I had to think quickly
now now now
not even thinking of the consequences
to make the move with me
she was more than ready
you could see

standing in my way hey yeah, yeah
ooh ooh he's standing in my way
so a move like this would be so unwise
now he watches from the corner of his eyes
and he can hear the things I'd say
but her man is sitting across the way
so nice...
that I've got, but she whispered it was so nice
and I don't know what it is
for more,
she came back, wanting for more
After one dance on the floor

A listen up

one dance can do
one dance can do
what one dance can do,
I'd like to tell you a story about

Relevant Tags:
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2hat Onne sance Czn so 2What Oe sDance Czan sDo W2hat Oen Dsance Cazn Dso qhat Ome Daance Cqn Doo qWhat Omne Dnce Cqan D Wqhat Onme Dnace Caqn Do
Whhat Ohe Dznce Csn Dk Wat Ohne Dzance Csan Dko Waht Onhe Daznce Casn Dok Wjat Oje Dqnce Cwn D9 Wjhat Ojne Dqance Cwan D9o Whjat Onje Daqnce Cawn Do9
Wuat Obe Dsnce Cxn D0 Wuhat Obne D0o Whuat Onbe Dasnce Caxn Do0 Wnat Onee Dwnce Cann Dl Wnhat On Dwance Ca Dlo Whnat One Dawnce Can Dol
Wbat Ons Dxnce Cam Di Wbhat Onse Camn Dio Whbat Ones Daxnce Canm Doi Wgat On3 Dannce Cah Wghat On3e Dace Cahn Whgat One3 Dacne Canh
Wyat Onf Damce Caj Wyhat Onfe Damnce Cajn Whyat Onef Danmce Canj

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