Bering Strait
I Could Use A Hero

Who will rescue my heart
Who will save my soul
Who will give me strength
Fill my cup with hope?

Chorus 1:
I could use a sunrise
I could use a rainbow
Someone on a white horse
I could use a hero.

Who will light my way
Take me through the night
Who will hear my voice
Hold me when I cry?

Chorus 2:
I could use a sunrise
I could use a rainbow
Someone on a white horse
I could use a hero.
I could use an angel
To guard against the shadows
I could use a strong heart
I could use a hero.

--- Instrumental ---

Chorus 1:
I could use a sunrise
I could use a rainbow
Someone on a white horse
I could use a hero.

Is there a dream (Is there a dream)
Waiting for me (waiting for me)
Is that too much to ask?

Chorus 2:
I could use a sunrise
I could use a rainbow
Someone on a white horse
I could use a hero.
I could use an angel
To guard against the shadows
I could use a strong heart
I could use a hero.

I could use a sunrise
I could use a rainbow
Someone on a white horse
I could use a hero.

I could use a hero.
I could use a hero.
Yeah, I could use a hero...

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, I could use a hero...
I could use a hero.
I could use a hero.

I could use a hero.
Someone on a white horse
I could use a rainbow
I could use a sunrise

I could use a hero.
I could use a strong heart
To guard against the shadows
I could use an angel
I could use a hero.
Someone on a white horse
I could use a rainbow
I could use a sunrise
Chorus 2:

Is that too much to ask?
Waiting for me (waiting for me)
Is there a dream (Is there a dream)

I could use a hero.
Someone on a white horse
I could use a rainbow
I could use a sunrise
Chorus 1:

--- Instrumental ---

I could use a hero.
I could use a strong heart
To guard against the shadows
I could use an angel
I could use a hero.
Someone on a white horse
I could use a rainbow
I could use a sunrise
Chorus 2:

Hold me when I cry?
Who will hear my voice
Take me through the night
Who will light my way

I could use a hero.
Someone on a white horse
I could use a rainbow
I could use a sunrise
Chorus 1:

Fill my cup with hope?
Who will give me strength
Who will save my soul
Who will rescue my heart

Relevant Tags:
II CCould UUse AA HHero ould se ero I oCuld sUe A eHro j fould hse z jero jI fCould hUse zA jHero Ij Cfould Uhse Az Hjero
9 xould 7se q uero 9I xCould 7Use qA uHero I9 Cxould U7se Aq Huero l vould kse s nero lI vCould kUse sA nHero Il Cvould Ukse As Hnero
o dould ise w bero oI dCould iUse wA bHero Io Cdould Uise Aw Hbero k Coould 8se x gero kI Culd 8Use xA gHero Ik Cuold U8se Ax Hgero
8 Ckuld jse yero 8I Ckould jUse yHero I8 Cokuld Ujse Hyero u C9uld yse Heero uI C9ould yUse Hro Iu Co9uld Uyse Hreo
C0uld Usse Hsro C0ould Ue Hsero Co0uld Ues Hesro Cluld Uze H3ro Clould Uzse H3ero Coluld Usze He3ro
Ciuld Uwe Hfro Ciould Uwse Hfero Coiuld Uswe Hefro Couuld Ude Hrro Cold Udse Hrero Colud Usde Herro
Cohld Uee H4ro Cohuld Uese H4ero Couhld Usee He4ro Co7ld Uxe Hdro Co7uld Uxse Hdero Cou7ld Usxe Hedro
Cokld Uae Hwro Uase Hwero

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