Ben's Brother
If I Let The Ladder Down

Get me out of bed
The cars are out, and the dogs are barking in my head
In the street below
You're staring up at my apartment
Wondering where my heart went
Wondering where the story goes

If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
Would you stand on the ledge with me?
Run to the edge and take miss me
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down

Yell, at me for hours
We both know that you're calling up to keep it sour
After taste
I was a wreck before I knew you

If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
Would you stand on the ledge with me?
Run to the edge and take miss me
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down

Oohh, ooohhh
Oohh, ooohhh

If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
Would you stand on the ledge with me
Run to the edge and take miss me
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down

Mirror lyrics:

If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
Run to the edge and take miss me
Would you stand on the ledge with me
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down

Oohh, ooohhh
Oohh, ooohhh

If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
Run to the edge and take miss me
Would you stand on the ledge with me?
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down

I was a wreck before I knew you
After taste
We both know that you're calling up to keep it sour
Yell, at me for hours

If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
Run to the edge and take miss me
Would you stand on the ledge with me?
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down

Wondering where the story goes
Wondering where my heart went
You're staring up at my apartment
In the street below
The cars are out, and the dogs are barking in my head
Get me out of bed

Relevant Tags:
IIf II LLet TThe LLadder DDown f et he adder own fI I eLt hTe aLdder oDwn jf j ket fhe kadder xown jIf jI kLet fThe kLadder xDown Ijf Ij Lket Tfhe Lkadder Dxown
9f 9 oet 5he oadder eown 9If 9I oLet 5The oLadder eDown I9f I9 Loet T5he Loadder Deown lf l pet hhe padder fown lIf lI pLet hThe pLadder fDown Ilf Il Lpet Thhe Lpadder Dfown
of o Leet yhe Laadder rown oIf oI Lt yThe Ldder rDown Iof Io Lte Tyhe Ldader Drown kf k Lst 6he Lzdder cown kIf kI Lset 6The Lzadder cDown Ikf Ik Lest T6he Lazdder Dcown
8f 8 L3t ghe Lqdder sown 8If 8I L3et gThe Lqadder sDown I8f I8 Le3t Tghe Laqdder Dsown uf u Lft rhe Lsdder Doown uIf uI Lfet rThe Lsadder Dwn Iuf Iu Left Trhe Lasdder Dwon
Iff Lrt Lwdder Dkwn I Lret Te Lwadder Dkown If Lert Teh Lawdder Dokwn Ic L4t Tje Lxdder D9wn Icf L4et Tjhe Lxadder D9own Ifc Le4t Thje Laxdder Do9wn
Ir Ldt Tue Laddder D0wn Irf Ldet Tuhe Lader D0own Ifr Ledt Thue Ladder Do0wn Ig Lwt Tne Laxder Dlwn Igf Lwet Tnhe Dlown Ifg Lewt Thne Ladxder Dolwn
It Lett Tbe Laeder Diwn Itf Le Tbhe Laedder Diown Ift Let Thbe Ladeder Doiwn Iv Lef Tge Lafder Dowwn Ivf Lafdder Don Ifv Letf Thge Ladfder Donw
Id Le5 Tye Larder Doan Idf Le5t Lardder Doawn Ifd Let5 Thye Ladrder Dowan Leh Thee Lacder Do3n Leht Th Lacdder Do3wn Leth The Ladcder Dow3n
Ley Ths Lasder Dodn Leyt Thse Dodwn

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