Benny Benassi
Love Is Gonna Save Us

Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us
Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

But love is gonna save us
Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

But love is gonna save us
Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us
Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

But love is gonna save us
Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us
Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

But love is gonna save us
Stones and flowers on the ground
We are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Shadows walking in the crowd
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us

Mirror lyrics:

but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground
But love is gonna save us

but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground
but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground
But love is gonna save us

but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground
but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground
But love is gonna save us

but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground
But love is gonna save us

but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground
but love is gonna save us
we are lost and found
Shadows walking in the crowd

but love is gonna save us
We are lost and found
Stones and flowers on the ground

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs GGonna SSave UUs ove s onna ave s oLve sI oGnna aSve sU kove js honna zave hs kLove jIs hGonna zSave hUs Lkove Ijs Ghonna Szave Uhs
oove 9s yonna wave 7s oLove 9Is yGonna wSave 7Us Loove I9s Gyonna Swave U7s pove ls bonna dave ks pLove lIs bGonna dSave kUs Lpove Ils Gbonna Sdave Uks
os vonna eave is Lve oIs vGonna eSave iUs Lvoe Ios Gvonna Seave Uis Lkve ks fonna xave 8s kIs fGonna xSave 8Us Lokve Iks Gfonna Sxave U8s
L9ve 8s tonna aave js L9ove 8Is tGonna aSave jUs Lo9ve I8s Gtonna Saave Ujs L0ve us Goonna ys L0ove uIs Gnna Sve yUs Lo0ve Ius Gnona Svae Uys
Llve Iss Gknna Szve Uss Llove I Gkonna U Lolve Is Goknna Sazve Us Live Iz G9nna Sqve Uz Liove Izs G9onna Sqave Uzs Loive Isz Go9nna Saqve Usz
Lovve Iw G0nna Ssve Uw Loe Iws G0onna Ssave Uws Loev Isw Go0nna Sasve Usw Lobe Id Glnna Swve Ud Lobve Ids Glonna Uds Lovbe Isd Golnna Sawve Usd
Loce Ie Ginna Sxve Ue Locve Ies Gionna Ues Lovce Ise Goinna Saxve Use Loge Ix Gonnna Savve Ux

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