
Years have gone by
Time after time
Until now and from now on
Time going by
Time after time
Space remain the same

Taking it for granted
Living there for good
Countless suffering and sorrow
Getting over the countless
Agony and distress

We still remain

Mirror lyrics:

We still remain

Agony and distress
Getting over the countless
Countless suffering and sorrow
Living there for good
Taking it for granted

Space remain the same
Time after time
Time going by
Until now and from now on
Time after time
Years have gone by

Relevant Tags:
SSorrow orrow oSrrow zorrow zSorrow Szorrow worrow wSorrow Sworrow dorrow dSorrow
Sdorrow eorrow eSorrow Seorrow xorrow xSorrow Sxorrow aorrow aSorrow Saorrow Soorrow
Srrow Srorow Skrrow Skorrow Sokrrow S9rrow S9orrow So9rrow S0rrow S0orrow So0rrow
Slrrow Slorrow Solrrow Sirrow Siorrow Soirrow Sorrrow Sorow Sorrow Sodrow Sodrrow
Sordrow So4row So4rrow Sor4row Sogrow Sogrrow Sorgrow Sotrow Sotrrow Sortrow So5row
So5rrow Sor5row Sofrow Sofrrow Sorfrow

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