In Your Face

Cries of sorrow broke out against you!

(I'm) standing astonished at sight!

You're covered your face in your hands!

The end justifies the mean

Make noise (whoa)

Nobody else (whoa)

Make noise (whoa)

Nobody else (whoa)


Mirror lyrics:


Nobody else (whoa)

Make noise (whoa)

Nobody else (whoa)

Make noise (whoa)

The end justifies the mean

You're covered your face in your hands!

(I'm) standing astonished at sight!

Cries of sorrow broke out against you!

Relevant Tags:
IIn YYour FFace n our ace nI oYur aFce jn gour cace jIn gYour cFace Ijn Ygour Fcace 9n hour race 9In hYour rFace I9n Yhour Frace
ln 6our gace lIn 6Your gFace Iln Y6our Fgace on uour tace oIn uYour tFace Ion Yuour Ftace kn 7our vace kIn 7Your vFace Ikn Y7our Fvace
8n jour dace 8In jYour dFace I8n Yjour Fdace un tour Faace uIn tYour Fce Iun Ytour Fcae Inn Yoour Fzce I Yur Fzace In Yuor Fazce
Im Ykur Fqce Imn Ykour Fqace Inm Yokur Faqce Ih Y9ur Fsce Ihn Y9our Fsace Inh Yo9ur Fasce Ij Y0ur Fwce Y0our Fwace Inj Yo0ur Fawce
Ib Ylur Fxce Ibn Ylour Fxace Inb Yolur Faxce Yiur Facce Yiour Fae Yoiur Faec Youur Fafe Yor Fafce

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