Innocent Born

He holds in His strength every
innocent born stricken in body or
mind. He forms the frame from the
weak and unwise which holds up the
land. In only His eyes is the worth and
the truth of beauty defined at once
broken man and completely divine.

I wish to dwell in Your life.
I wish to be where You are.
I follow You from no fear of hell.
Alone it's gone so hard.
Alone I've gone so far.

The years can be erased till one by one
they fall. Your tears had form and taste.
The Son of man is the Lord of us all.

Mirror lyrics:

The Son of man is the Lord of us all.
they fall. Your tears had form and taste.
The years can be erased till one by one

Alone I've gone so far.
Alone it's gone so hard.
I follow You from no fear of hell.
I wish to be where You are.
I wish to dwell in Your life.

broken man and completely divine.
the truth of beauty defined at once
land. In only His eyes is the worth and
weak and unwise which holds up the
mind. He forms the frame from the
innocent born stricken in body or
He holds in His strength every

Relevant Tags:
IInnocent BBorn nnocent orn nInocent oBrn jnnocent vorn jInnocent vBorn Ijnnocent Bvorn 9nnocent gorn 9Innocent gBorn I9nnocent Bgorn
lnnocent norn lInnocent nBorn Ilnnocent Bnorn onnocent horn oInnocent hBorn Ionnocent Bhorn knnocent Boorn kInnocent Brn Iknnocent Bron
8nnocent Bkrn 8Innocent Bkorn I8nnocent Bokrn unnocent B9rn uInnocent B9orn Iunnocent Bo9rn Innnocent B0rn Inocent B0orn Innocent Bo0rn
Imnocent Blrn Imnnocent Blorn Inmnocent Bolrn Ihnocent Birn Ihnnocent Biorn Inhnocent Boirn Ijnocent Borrn Bon Injnocent Bonr
Ibnocent Bodn Ibnnocent Bodrn Inbnocent Bordn Bo4n Bo4rn Inoncent Bor4n Inmocent Bogn Bogrn Innmocent Borgn
Inhocent Botn Botrn Innhocent Bortn Injocent Bo5n Bo5rn Innjocent Bor5n Inbocent Bofn Bofrn Innbocent Borfn
Innoocent Boen Inncent Boern Inncoent Boren Innkcent Bornn Innkocent Bor Innokcent Born Inn9cent Borm Inn9ocent Bormn Inno9cent Bornm
Inn0cent Borh Inn0ocent Borhn Inno0cent Bornh Innlcent Borj Innlocent Borjn Innolcent Bornj Innicent Borb

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