Pride And The Flame

gone... gone are the days
when the west was wild
and every child's dream
a light was seen
gone...gone are the days
when the world just sung for tomorrow to come
but she never came

if I was to break
if I was to pay

blue moon are you lost again
where will I find your light?
where will I find the truth?
how will we ever say goodbye

coz we're turning the pages again
bound by the lives that have been spent
i'm not living your third world lies

goodbye...better days ahead

gone... gone are the days
all these questions
no straight answers
everybody's a high priced healer hey
gone... gone are the days
tis the season of change
every scar on the hand marks a new day

sleep child
slip into a dream
poppa hasn't been home
busy living out this crazy scene

blue moon are you lost again
where will I find your light?
where will I find the truth?
how will we ever say goodbye

coz we're turning the pages again
tired of your preaching amen
i'm not living your third world lies

better days ahead

reached out to feel each grain
a lifetime running through his hands
the scorching heat left our heart
the workings of a proud brown man
but nowhere could you see
dark eyes look away
the pride and the flame

reached out to feel the warmth
time running through his hands
the scorching heat gave life
the heart of the proud brown man
and he says to his child
who still couldn't stand


Mirror lyrics:


who still couldn't stand
and he says to his child
the heart of the proud brown man
the scorching heat gave life
time running through his hands
reached out to feel the warmth

the pride and the flame
dark eyes look away
but nowhere could you see
the workings of a proud brown man
the scorching heat left our heart
a lifetime running through his hands
reached out to feel each grain

better days ahead

i'm not living your third world lies
tired of your preaching amen
coz we're turning the pages again

how will we ever say goodbye
where will I find the truth?
where will I find your light?
blue moon are you lost again

busy living out this crazy scene
poppa hasn't been home
slip into a dream
sleep child

every scar on the hand marks a new day
tis the season of change
gone... gone are the days
everybody's a high priced healer hey
no straight answers
all these questions
gone... gone are the days

goodbye...better days ahead

i'm not living your third world lies
bound by the lives that have been spent
coz we're turning the pages again

how will we ever say goodbye
where will I find the truth?
where will I find your light?
blue moon are you lost again

if I was to pay
if I was to break

but she never came
when the world just sung for tomorrow to come
gone...gone are the days
a light was seen
and every child's dream
when the west was wild
gone... gone are the days

Relevant Tags:
PPride AAnd TThe FFlame ride nd he lame rPide nAd hTe lFame 0ride znd fhe clame 0Pride zAnd fThe cFlame P0ride Aznd Tfhe Fclame
lride qnd 5he rlame lPride qAnd 5The rFlame Plride Aqnd T5he Frlame oride snd hhe glame oPride sAnd hThe gFlame Poride Asnd Thhe Fglame
Prride wnd yhe tlame Pide wAnd yThe tFlame Pirde Awnd Tyhe Ftlame Pdide xnd 6he vlame Pdride xAnd 6The vFlame Prdide Axnd T6he Fvlame
P4ide Annd ghe dlame P4ride Ad gThe dFlame Pr4ide Adn Tghe Fdlame Pgide Amd rhe Fllame Pgride Amnd rThe Fame Prgide Anmd Trhe Falme
Ptide Ahd Fkame Ptride Ahnd Te Fklame Prtide Anhd Teh Flkame P5ide Ajd Tje Foame P5ride Ajnd Tjhe Folame Pr5ide Anjd Thje Floame
Pfide Abd Tue Fpame Pfride Abnd Tuhe Fplame Prfide Anbd Thue Flpame Peide Andd Tne Flaame Peride An Tnhe Flme Preide And Thne Flmae
Priide Anx Tbe Flzme Prde Anxd Tbhe Flzame Prdie Andx Thbe Flazme Prjde Ane Tge Flqme Prjide Aned Flqame Prijde Ande Thge Flaqme
Pr9de Anf Tye Flsme Pr9ide Anfd Flsame Pri9de Andf Thye Flasme Prlde Anr Thee Flwme Prlide Anrd Th Flwame Prilde Andr The Flawme
Prode Anc Ths Flxme Proide Ancd Thse Flxame

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